Welcome from our new CEO
Welcome to the September edition of EPA Connect. As I commence as Chief Executive Officer of the EPA, it’s clear to me that the scale of the challenges we are confronting, to transition our economy to one with 80% resource recovery, real circularity and zero carbon, are so complex that we can only solve them through deep collaboration.
Please join me in my video message to hear some highlights of our work outlined in this edition of EPA Connect.
I come to the role with the understanding that there are many challenges for the EPA as it works to protect and improve our precious environment, however, we have just as many opportunities to enhance our environment and secure a prosperous and sustainable future for our communities.
In recent months the EPA has been hard at work as we prepare for the ban of single-use plastics on November 1, as well as releasing our new draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan.
Both of these projects will play an important role in protecting our natural environment and meeting the NSW Government’s target of net zero emissions by 2050.
Importantly, they will both involve extensive engagement and collaboration with regulated sectors – as government signals both a longer term shift to sustainable alternatives, and a requirement for businesses to consider how they can improve their own resilience to extreme weather events.
I hope you find this edition of EPA Connect useful as it covers our draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan, plastics bans, flood recovery and incident responses.
Tony Chappel
Chief Executive Officer