EPA Compliance Management Framework

The EPA Compliance Management Framework outlines the policies and procedures used by the EPA to ensure it complies with its obligations. These are to monitor, assess and report on internal compliance, rectify the causes of non-compliance and evaluate and improve the Framework itself.

September 2018
NSW Environment Protection Authority
  • ISBN 978 1 925790 67 2
  • ID 2018P1104
  • File PDF 0.2MB
  • Pages 14
  • Name epa-compliance-management-framework.pdf

The Framework helps  EPA staff to

  • show  mature compliance conduct that’s  consistent with the EPA’s values 
  • comply with a large and fluctuating range of obligations found in legislation, New South Wales government policy, cluster policy, EPA policy, contractual terms and conditions that bind the EPA, and standard operating procedures
  • apply relevant  controls to prevent non-compliance 
  • act regularly to monitor and detect instances of non-compliance 
  • manage the risks resulting  from non-compliance 
  • promptly report serious instances of non-compliance to Branch Directors and the Executive 
  • take corrective action in response to instances of non-compliance. 

The Framework applies  to all EPA staff including ongoing, temporary or casual employees, labour hire (contractors who are working as though they were EPA staff) and seconded staff. It does not apply to contractors who are not representing the EPA but are providing professional services to the EPA. The Framework does not apply to the Board of the EPA. 

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