Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme Operations Committee - nomination form

The Operations Committee advises the EPA on the operation and the performance of the Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme. The Operations Committee typically meets twice a year in six-month intervals and often reviews scheme documentation presented at these meetings.

The scheme uses water salinity monitoring and economic incentives to regulate the flows into the river of salty water from coal mining and electricity generation activities. The scheme ensures that the Hunter River’s water quality is suitable for agriculture.

The primary function of the committee is to advise us on matters referred to it in connection with the operation of the scheme.

The Operations Committee represents the interests of licensees, irrigators, and the environment. Representatives from Hunter Local Land Services (as Chair), the NSW Government and Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority are also on the committee.

Nominees need to demonstrate:

  • qualifications, skills and experience required for the position
  • that they live and/or work in the Hunter Region of NSW
  • expertise and experience in water management issues, particularly within the Hunter River catchment
  • ability to represent stakeholders interested in the Scheme’s outcomes
  • commitment to protecting the environmental, social and economic values of the Hunter River
  • commitment to attending a minimum of two committee meetings each year and reviewing scheme documentation and papers as required.

We may contact you or your referees if further information to support your nomination is required. All nominees will be advised in writing of the results of their application.

Which position are you seeking

Contact details of nominee

Employment experience of nominee
Current employment
Please list details of your current employment (or other relevant activity details).

Previous employment

Please list the details of any relevant previous employment (or other relevant activity details) that may support your application. 

Other positions held by nominee (if applicable)

List the name and purpose of any other stakeholder committees on which you are currently or have previously been a representative e.g. a local interest group, an industry liaison body, a water management committee, other government funded body etc.

Why are you nominating this person?
Why are you nominating this employee for this position on the Operations Committee, and what value do you believe they will bring to the Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme?

Areas you may wish to address:

  1. Indicate if the nominee is familiar with how the Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme operates
  2. Nominee's expertise and/or experience in water management issues within the Hunter catchment
  3. Nominee's representation of relevant stakeholder groups
  4. Nominee's understanding of environmental, social and/or economic values of the Hunter River.

Please nominate two referees who can support your application.
