pesticide-factsheets-vetebrate-baiting-160656Contact your local Local Land Services office for further details.
This page provides information about
- safe use of 1080
- complying with legal requirements
- training requirements for using 1080
1080 pesticide control orders
The Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2020 (PDF 568KB) commenced on 1 May 2020 and is in force until it is cancelled or replaced by another 1080 PCO. It replaces the Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2019.
The order
- authorises the use of 1080 bait and concentrate products in NSW
- defines who can use 1080
- sets conditions on how 1080 can be used and where
- sets requirements for recovery and disposal of 1080 baits, containers and animal carcasses
- provides for using and labelling unregistered 1080 bait material
The order has 4 schedules that set out the conditions for using 1080 to control
- wild dogs
- foxes
- feral pigs
- rabbits
Remember that you must follow the detailed instructions in
- the 1080 PCO, and
- the schedule for the pest animal that you want to control
Research is currently being conducted to evaluate the potential of 1080 being used to control feral deer or goats, refer to the 1080 Ungulate Feeder (PDF 515KB) PCO.
One other 1080 PCO is in force. It is
Strict penalties may apply if you do not comply with a PCO. Under the Pesticides Act 1999, the maximum penalties are
- $60,000 for an individual
- $120,000 for a corporation
More information about penalties
Background information
Pest animals and invasive plants are a threat to agriculture and forestry. 1080 (pronounced 'ten-eighty') is the common name given to the poison sodium fluoroacetate that is used as a vertebrate pesticide in NSW to control specific pest animals.
Using 1080 as a liquid concentrate
Only Authorised Control Officers (ACOs) can use 1080 liquid concentrate products. These officers have undergone specific training and received accreditation in the preparation and use of vertebrate poisons such as 1080.
ACOs are employed by
- Local Land Services (formerly Livestock Health and Pest Authority)
- Office of Environment & Heritage (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service)
- Wild Dog Destruction Board
- other NSW public authorities
Using 1080 baits
You must read and follow the requirements set out in Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2020 (PDF 568KB) and the relevant schedule.
Obtaining the baits
Always obtain 1080 baits as close as possible to the time you need to use them.
You can only obtain baits from an ACO. Before supplying the baits, the ACO must give you
- an indemnity or consent form to fill in and sign for every property on which the 1080 baits will be used – you will be given a copy of the signed form for your records
- a copy of the 1080 PCO and the schedule relating to the pest animal you plan to target
The ACO will do a risk assessment before supplying 1080 baits to you and especially if
- you have not used 1080 before, or
- you are part of a group baiting program
The ACO will also check if you, or the person for whom you are collecting the baits, has been trained in pesticide use as required by the Pesticides Regulation 2017. When asked, you should show the ACO a copy of the pesticides training accreditation.
If you are not the person who will use the baits, check the relevant schedule for details of
- whether you are authorised to receive or possess this type of bait
- what you are expected to do
Store 1080 bait products legally
You can only temporarily keep and store 1080 bait products on your property. Make sure you read sections 2 and 3 of the schedule of the PCO for the pest you are targeting, so you know what conditions apply.
Always store baits in a lockable storage area and away from children, animal or human food, seed and fertiliser.
Notify neighbours
Before you begin 1080 baiting, you must notify all neighbours whose property boundary lies within 1 kilometre of where you will be applying the 1080 baits.
You must give at least 3 days’ prior notice before you lay 1080 baits.
Neighbours can be notified by
- telephone
- text message
- in person
If your neighbours cannot be contacted by any of these methods, or you have more than 25 neighbours, you may notify them by placing an advertisement in a local newspaper.
Put up 1080 poison notices (signs)
Before you begin baiting, you must put up signs that warn people you are using 1080 baits on your property. These must be placed at
- the main entrance to a private property or in the case of a National Park the main entrance to the area being baited
- every entry point to the baiting location
- at the extremities of and up to 5 km intervals along public thoroughfares that border or pass through the baiting location
1080 poison notices can be obtained from ACOs.
The notice must include information about
- the specific type of baits to be laid on the property, for example, 1080 wild dog bait
- when the baits will be laid
- contact details of the person who will lay the baits
- a warning that other animals may be affected, such as domestic dogs
These notices must remain in place for a minimum of 4 weeks after the last day 1080 baits are used.
Aerial baiting requirements
Aerial baiting can only be done in certain circumstances and with certain types of 1080 bait products. There may also be restrictions on what type of aircraft can be used.
Aerial baiting on your property must be approved by the Local Land Service. For more details, see the Aerial Baiting conditions in the relevant schedule of the Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2020 (PDF 568KB) for the pest you are targeting.
Distance restrictions for aerial baiting are usually different from those for ground baiting.
Distance restrictions for 1080 baits
You must not lay 1080 baits any closer than the distance specified in the 1080 PCO for a property boundary, habitation, waterway and public roads. These distances are set out in section 4 of each schedule.
If you are part of a group baiting program, check section 4 in the relevant schedule for details about exemptions or lesser distances that apply for
- property boundaries
- human habitation for all vertebrate pests
- the habitation of the person using 1080 baits
Remember: Distance restrictions are different for ground and aerial baiting.
Recovery and disposal of 1080 baits and containers
When you have finished using 1080 baits on your property, you should, where practical, collect any untaken 1080 baits.
The 1080 baits must be disposed of by burial (minimum of 500 mm depth) in a disposal pit on your property that is clear of waterways.
When you are part of a coordinated program, the ACO can approve bait disposal on another property if necessary.
Containers that have held 1080, that are being disposed of, must be triple rinsed and buried. Plastic bags that have held 1080 can be buried or burnt. Full instructions are set out in section 3 of each schedule of the 1080 PCO.
Recovery and disposal of carcasses
As far as possible, you must recover carcasses of poisoned animals and bury them in accordance with section 3 of the relevant schedule of the 1080 PCO.
The 1080 and pindone pesticide control orders set out training requirements for the use of these pesticides. Within the last 5 years, you must have completed
- mandatory pesticide user training to AQF level 3, or
- the Vertebrate Pesticide Training course delivered through Local Land Services
Note: If you use pesticides, other than vertebrate pesticides, you would be required to meet the general training requirements under the Pesticides Regulation 2017.
Making a record of 1080 use
All people who use 1080 baits must make and keep a record of their use of 1080 baits as required under Part 4 of the Pesticides Regulation 2017.
For more details see the EPA fact sheet for vertebrate pest baiting.