Trainers in pesticide use
Regular pesticide users must be trained and attain a qualification from a registered training organisation in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework. They must also be retrained every 5 years. A range of training and retraining is available to suit all pesticide users.
About training in pesticide use
Initial training usually involves a two-day course based on competencies from the AHC - Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. Trainees can elect to acquire competencies to:
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level 2 if they use pesticides under supervision of someone who has achieved AQF level 3 competency
- AQF level 3 if they use pesticides independently, for example, a farmer
Retraining usually involves a one-day refresher course. You can also become qualified by demonstrating to a registered training provider that you know how to use pesticides in your job or business.
Note that some providers may offer part of the course by home study.
Find out more about:
Note that:
- the EPA does not approve any particular training provider or course
- training and retraining is compulsory under the Pesticides Regulation 2017
Information on training courses, providers and assessors can be found
- in the Yellow Pages
- by contacting one of the organisations below (please read the disclaimer)
Organisations offering training courses
Disclaimer: The list below has been prepared in good faith for general information only. The EPA does not warrant that the list is complete, nor vouch for the quality of the training or information that may be provided by any of these parties. The provision of information about registered training organisations does not imply that the EPA has endorsed or approved the registered training organisations or the courses run by the registered training organisations.
- NSW Department of Primary Industries - Tocal College (91166)
Phone: 1800 138 351
Website: - TAFE NSW
Phone: 131 601
Website: - ChemCert Training Group (ChemCert Training/FarmCare Training/GM Rural Training 90855)
Phone: 1800 444 228 or (02) 9439 7910
Email: [email protected]
Website: - Regional Skills Training - Spray Solutions (140107)
Phone: (08) 8835 1362
Email: [email protected] - Australian Training and Consulting (90886)
Phone: (02) 6766 9040
Email: [email protected] - Local Government Training Institute (90870)
Phone: (02) 4922 2333
Website: - RuralBiz Training (Kreate Pty Ltd) (90782)
Phone: (02) 6884 8812
Website: - ChemQual (Sulcor Advisory Services) (70207)
Phone: 1300 783 645
Website: - Smith & Georg Training and Consulting (40075)
Phone: 1800 991 985
Website: - SpraySMART Chemical Training, Trainer Services Pty Ltd trading as SpraySMART (40867)
Phone: 1800 872 462
Website: - AusChem Training Victoria - various RTOs (3974, 4693, 22179, 90005)
Phone: 1300 131 250
Website: - NCA Training Pty Ltd (41110)
Phone: 1300 186 684
Email: [email protected] - Coates Hospitality Services Pty Ltd trading as Australian Training and Consulting (ATAC) (90886)
Phone: (02) 6763 4444
Email: [email protected]
Website: - Duff Consulting (Axiom College) (40489)
Phone: (07) 5483 2305
Website: - Power Safety Training (45198)
Phone: 1300 123 778
If you are a registered training organisation delivering the competency units required by the Pesticides Regulation in NSW and would like your details published on this page, please notify the EPA on 131 555 or email [email protected].
Information about the Australian Quality Training Framework
- Australian Skills Quality Authority
Phone: 1300 701 801
Website: - Department of Education and Training
Phone: 1300 363 079
Website: -