Eastern Sydney beaches investigation

NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) officers inspected Coogee Beach, Gordons Bay and Maroubra Beaches this morning.

Due to the presence of balls at these beaches, EPA officers are also inspecting neighbouring beaches as ocean movements could push balls to other beaches.

Balls have now been observed in debris on Bondi, Bronte, Clovelly, Congwong, Frenchmans, Little Bay, Malabar and Tamarama beaches.

The EPA is supporting Randwick City Council with its clean-up of Coogee Beach and Gordons Bay and has offered support to Waverley Council.

Councils are responsible for beach closures – please refer to the Randwick City Council website and social media pages, and Waverley Council social media pages.

NSW Maritime is coordinating the response to this incident. 

The EPA is investigating the origin and any potential risks to the community and environment. 

Until the clean-up is concluded, we advise against swimming and touching any balls that may have washed ashore in the identified areas.

If the community sees balls in any other locations, they should report it to the NSW Environment Line on 131 555 or email info@epa.nsw.gov.au.

Questions and answers

What will the investigation include?

We are expecting further test results over the coming days – our focus right now is on the origin and any potential risks the balls present to the environment and community.

How many balls are there?

No exact number can be given, but we estimate in the 1000s. 

Where do you think the balls came from?

At this stage it is a bit of a mystery which is why we are investigating and awaiting test results. Anyone with any information that could be useful is encouraged to call our Environment Line on 131 555.