Background and ongoing management

The investigation into PFAS contamination coming from RAAF Base Williamtown is complete, and the NSW Government is providing long-term advice to the Williamtown community.

What is PFAS?

PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are a group of manufactured chemicals that have been used as fire retardants since the 1950s, and in a range of common household products and specialty applications across Australia and internationally. This includes non-stick cookware; fabric, furniture and carpet stain protection applications; food packaging; some industrial processes; and some types of firefighting foam.

The release of PFAS into the environment is an emerging global concern. PFAS are very stable chemicals that bioaccumulate, do not easily break down and can persist in the environment for a long time.

The Australian Government’s PFAS Expert Health Panel recommends limiting exposure to PFAS as a precaution until further research into health effects is completed.

Expert advice released by the Australian Government in June 2019 states PFAS has not been shown to cause disease in humans and “probably has minimal impact on human health’’.

However, the advice cautions that PFAS exposure may be associated with mildly elevated cholesterol levels, effects on some hormone levels and on kidney function1.

Finding PFAS in the environment does not mean there is a human health risk. The NSW Government adopts a precautionary approach to limit people’s exposure to PFAS.

Typically, this approach means assessing and minimising human exposure pathways, such as limiting groundwater use or consumption (if used) or seafood consumption where threshold levels of PFAS is present.

The NSW EPA is investigating sites across NSW to better understand the extent of PFAS use and potential contamination.


In September 2015, the NSW Government announced that PFAS had been detected both on and offsite at RAAF Base at Williamtown. A full environmental investigation by the Department of Defence was initiated, which was conducted to determine the full extent of contamination, and any risks to human health and the environment.

The NSW Government released a map of the Williamtown Investigation Area and precautionary dietary advice for residents to minimise their PFAS exposure, including precautionary dietary advice for seafood and fish produce caught at Fullerton Cove and upper Tilligerry Creek. 

The NSW PFAS Expert Panel was established for the purpose of providing informed advice to the EPA to assist in developing the NSW Government’s response to PFAS issues, including contamination to protect the community and the environment. 

The Expert Panel is chaired by the Deputy Chief Scientist and Engineer, Dr Chris Armstrong PSM. The Expert Panel takes a strategic approach and interfaces with the PFAS National Framework, including the PFAS Intergovernmental Agreement and the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan.

In August 2016, the Department of Defence released the first Human Health Risk Assessment and Environmental Risk Assessment Reports. These reports were reviewed by the NSW Government and Expert Panel, confirming that the precautionary dietary advice, fishing closures and Investigation Area were still appropriate and should remain in place. Drinking contaminated groundwater was identified as the major human health exposure pathway, and a number of data gaps were identified.

In December 2017, the Department of Defence released a detailed Human Health Risk Assessment and Environmental Risk Assessment. The Expert Panel reviewed the Human Health Risk Assessment and recommended changes to better reflect the level of exposure of residents to the contamination in certain areas, including a detailed map outlining the Williamtown Management Area.

The Department of Defence released the Ecological Risk Assessment in October 2018, which assessed the risks PFAS presents to plants and animals around the Wiliamtown area.

The Expert Panel continues to work on other PFAS-related sites in NSW.

Ongoing management and monitoring

The investigation phase is complete.

The NSW Government will continue to provide precuationary dietary advice to the Williamtown community as new information is made available.

The Department of Defence has released the Williamtown PFAS Management Area Plan, which includes an Ongoing Monitoring Plan.

The PFAS Management Area Plan outlines the actions that will be taken by the Department of Defence over the coming years to manage the PFAS. The Department of Defence will monitor the levels of PFAS in the area through the Ongoing Monitoring Plan, to determine if these actions are effectively reducing the PFAS in the environment around RAAF Base Williamtown.

The EPA and PFAS Expert Panel will continue to review any reports released by the Department of Defence, to ensure they are scientifically sound, and that the Williamtown Management Area Map and precautionary dietary advice remain appropriate.

Williamtown Management Area

The Williamtown Management Area was developed following

  • a significant amount of new data from further testing carried out by the Department of Defence in October 2016, requested by the NSW Government.
  • an increased knowledge of the surface and groundwater in the Management Area
  • modelling of the potential movement of PFAS into the future

The Williamtown Management Area, comprises three zones:

  • Primary Management Zone​ this area has significantly higher levels of PFAS detected and therefore, the strongest advice applies.
  • Secondary Management Zone –​ this area has some detected levels of PFAS. 
  • Broader Management Zone –​ the topography and hydrology of the area means PFAS detections could occur now and into the future.

Each zone has tailored precautionary dietary advice for residents to minimise exposure to PFAS originating from the RAAF Base Williamtown.

More information

Residents within the Williamtown Management Area are eligible for the tank water program ​funded by the NSW Government. Contact Hunter Water on 1300 657 657.

An independent investigation is now underway into the potential contamination impacts on the Hunter River Estuary Ramsar​ site. An update can be found, under What is being done to address PFAS contamination.

1 The 2019 enHealth Guidance Statements and a factsheet providing more information on PFAS and human health effects by the Department of Health is available at: