Third-party lobbyists and business contacts

Important decisions need to be made in an open and transparent manner, without any undue influence, or the perception of undue influence, by external parties.

We are required to comply with the Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 and the related NSW Lobbying Code of Conduct, which provides a framework for managing interactions with third-party lobbyists and business contacts.

Meeting requests

Third-party lobbyists who wish to meet with a staff member of the NSW EPA must complete and submit the third-party lobbyist meeting request form at least 7 calendar days in advance of the proposed meeting date. 

All third-party contact records will be published on the NSW EPA’s third-party lobbyist contact register.

Please provide as much information as possible. This will ensure the appropriate people are made available for the meeting.

If you have any problems submitting this form contact

Request a meeting


Third-party lobbyist or business contact?

Meeting purpose and details

Must be at least 7 days from today's date

The NSW Environment Protection Authority requires meetings involving third-party lobbyists to be held at a NSW Government office unless otherwise decided by an Executive Director or a more senior executive.

Meetings held at other locations are subject to the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s approval

Third-party lobbyist and client details

Business attendee details

Disclosure of interests

Contact details

By submitting this form, you have read and agreed to the NSW Environment Protection Authority's Privacy Statement.

Under the Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 and the Lobbyists Code of Conduct 2014, the following ethical standards and requirements apply.

All lobbyists must:

  1. disclose in advance any matter that they wish to discuss when seeking a meeting with a government official
  2. disclose any financial or other interest they may have in the matter to be discussed before the meeting commences
  3. not engage in any misleading, dishonest, corrupt, or other unlawful conduct in relation to their lobbying
  4. use all reasonable endeavours to satisfy themselves of the truth and accuracy of all material information that they provide.

In addition, third-party lobbyists and any individuals that they engage to lobby on their behalf, must:

  1. not meet or otherwise communicate with EPA officials unless registered on the NSW Register of Third-Party Lobbyists
  2. disclose, prior to any meeting or communication with EPA officials:
    • their status as third-party lobbyists;
    • the names of any individuals they have engaged to undertake lobbying on their behalf; and
    • the name/s of their client/s
  3. not lobby on a matter that relates to a NSW Government board or committee of which they, or the individuals they engage to lobby on their behalf, are a member
  4. not make exaggerated or misleading claims to their clients about the nature or extent of their access to political parties or government
  5. keep separate from their lobbying activities any personal involvement with a political party
  6. not receive success fees for lobbying NSW Government officials.

Third-party lobbyist register

The third-party lobbyist register records meetings between the NSW EPA and third-party lobbyists and is kept in accordance with legislative requirements.

All contact with registered lobbyists is recorded using the third-party lobbyist meeting request form and is published here on the register.

20 February 2024 — Glencore’s Hunter Valley Operations (HVO)

Registered lobbyist entity: GRACosway Pty Ltd

Organisation represented: Glencore

Location: Online


  • Discussion items in the meeting:
    • NSW implementation of Commonwealth safeguard mechanism
    • Greenhouse gas emission Environment Protection Licence conditions
    • NSW Net Zero Commission
  • The EPA confirmed that interim greenhouse gas emission targets need to be met.
  • The EPA advised it is keen to see industry commit to a combination of abatement, mitigation and offsets, in line with international best practice.
  • The EPA flagged high level concerns if offsets are not in NSW. Worth considering offsets that net off NSW emissions.


13 March 2024 — Bowdens Silver Mine development of baseline environmental monitoring

Registered lobbyist entity: SEC Newgate Pty Limited

Organisation represented: Bowdens Silver Pty Ltd

Location: Online


  • Discussion in this meeting was about development of a baseline environmental monitoring program including:
    • Independent design
    • Community Consultative Committee involvement and nomination of a scientist
    • Transparency of program information and data
  • The EPA agreed to provide regulatory feedback on the draft Program.


3 June 2024 — Cenagen have developed a closed loop, patent pending water treatment process for residual waste and requested opportunity to meet with the EPA CEO to discuss the project further.

Registered lobbyist entity: Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Pty Ltd

Organisation represented: Cenegan

Location: 6PSQ


  • Discussed a new proposed technology and how to best characterise it in terms of NSW Government Policy.
  • A potential unsolicited proposal was canvassed and the proponents referred to the NSW Unsolicited Proposal Guidelines.


19 June 2024 — Circular economy priorities for off-the-road tyres

Registered lobbyist entity: Hawker Britton Group Pty Ltd

Organisation represented: Michelin Australia

Location: Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW Government Offices


  • Discussion items in this meeting:
    • policy and regulatory settings
    • requirements to support the recycling and resource recovery of off-the-road tyres in Australia
    • sustainability and circularity
    • opportunities for resource recovery operations to support circular outcomes.
  • The EPA advised of the ongoing discussions between Australia’s Environment Ministers around potential reforms to the product stewardship arrangements for tyres.
  • The EPA offered to arrange a further meeting to discuss possible opportunities through the Carbon Recycling and Abatement Fund (CRAF).