Disclosure log 2015
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), agencies are required to keep a record (a disclosure log) of information about formal applications received.
The disclosure log sets out information that is released under the GIPA Act that may be of interest to members of the public, and is available on request by contacting
Ph: (02) 02 9228 6308 or (02) 9995 6099
Email: [email protected]
Postal address:
Governance Officer
Environment Protection Authority
Locked Bag 5022,
Parramatta NSW 2124
- See applications prior to 2012 on the Environment, Energy and Science website.
Reference no. | Date the application was decided | Description of the information and the type of release (full or partial) |
GIPA532 EPA204 |
10/02/15 |
Partial release (57 pages) Odour complaints relating to Sydney Water’s North Head Wastewater Treatment Plant (1996-2014). (Excluding personal information). Also refer to other GIPA applications relating to the Plant. |
GIPA548 EPA212 |
05/03/15 |
Full release (one record) The number of Class 3 Dangerous Goods Vehicles registered in NSW and the category of each type eg. Rigid, Semi-Trailer, B-Double. |
GIPA549 EPA213 |
07/05/15 |
Full release (62 pages) Land contamination at the former Labelcraft site, 30-40 George Street, Leichhardt. |
GIPA552 EPA215 |
23/03/15 |
Partial release (58 pages) Water quality in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area - change in EPA licence conditions. |
GIPA553 EPA216 |
13/05/15 |
Full release (1,032 pages) Reports and correspondence regarding assessment, investigation or monitoring of 11-11C Grand Avenue, Camellia. |
GIPA561 EPA219 |
27/04/15 |
Full release (one record) Records related to a complaint regarding the North Head Sewage Treatment Plant. Also refer to other GIPA applications relating to the Plant. |
GIPA567 EPA220 |
12/05/15 |
Full release (56 pages) Copy of the EPL application submitted to the NSW EPA for operations at 60 Crawford Road Coorabong, and correspondence relating to the Environment Protection Licence between Australian Native Landscape and the EPA. |
GIPA577 EPA221 |
08/06/15 |
Full release (42 pages) Records related to the WestConnex M4 Widening project. |
GIPA582 EPA223 |
09/06/15 |
Full release (two reports) Former Shell site at 67 New South Head Road, Rushcutters Bay. |
GIPA584 EPA224 |
14/07/15 |
Partial release (46 pages) Inspection reports related to Soilco Pty Ltd, Wogamia. |
GIPA586 EPA224 |
08/07/15 |
Full release (one report) Environment Protection Licence re BSV Tyre Recycle, December 2014. |
GIPA587 EPA225 |
17/07/15 |
Full release (one report) Astra Street Landfill, Shortland - Voluntary Management Proposal (VMP) Implementation - Water and Gas Monitoring Report and Annual Report - November 2013. |
GIPA588 EPA226 |
30/07/15 |
Partial release (31 records). Records concerning the selection of members to the Lake Macquarie Lead Community Reference Group. |
GIPA594 EPA230 |
13/08/15 |
Partial release (103 pages) Records related to dumping of waste in: (a) Young Shire Council (b) Harden Shire Council (c) Boorowa Shire Council between 1 July 2014 and 31 December 2014. |
GIPA595 EPA231 |
19/08/15 |
Full release Records related to the online reporting of littering. Also, the number of matters that have been challenged and that will proceed to court. |
GIPA596 EPA232 |
05/08/15 |
Full release (186 pages) Details of the expense account of the Chair/CEO, EPA, for the past three years. |
GIPA598 EPA233 |
05/08/15 |
Full release (six reports) Reports related to the site located at the corner of Centenary and Merrylands Roads, Merrylands. |
GIPA601 EPA234 |
03/09/15 |
Full release (six records) Records related to an EPA review of an Environment Impact Statement for a small stock abattoir next to Blayney Sealink Cold Store Complex (SSD 6594). Also refer to GIPA606 / EPA237. |
GIPA606 EPA237 |
08/09/15 |
Full release (80 records). Records related to a proposed small stock abattoir next to Blayney Sealink Cold Store Complex (SSD 6594). Also refer to GIPA601 / EPA234. |
GIPA602 EPA235 |
04/09/15 |
Partial release (13 records)
GIPA607 EPA238 |
15/09/15 |
Partial release (140 records) Documentation and correspondence relating to odour, emission of odour and complaints relating to odour at the Macarthur Resource Recovery Park (Jacks Gully Alternative Waste Technology facility). |
GIPA608 EPA239 |
26/08/15 |
Full release Documents relating to 21 Day Street, Lansvale. |
GIPA609 EPA240 |
07/09/15 |
Full release 1. EPA Forestry Unit correspondence with the Forestry Corporation of NSW mentioning 'system testing records' for the 2014-15 financial year. 2. EPA Forestry Unit's protocol or similar, relating to the use and management of 'system testing records'. This term apparently refers to a record of animal or plants to be entered into the Office of Environment and Heritage's Atlas of Wildlife for 'testing purposes'. 3. Audit reports by the EPA Forestry Unit relating to the following compartments: Einfeld State Forest – 311-314 and 292, Bulahdelah – 140-143, Bulahdelah – 129-132, Kipparra – 16-21, Corrobare – 305; 306; and 316-319, Riamukka – 155-157; 341. 4. Summary of breaches for the cluster of audits listed in 3. 5. Letters sent by the EPA Forestry Unit to the Forestry Corporation of NSW regarding audits and breaches of licence in the 2014-15 financial year. |
GIPA615 EPA242 |
14/10/15 |
Partial release (750 pages) The Annual Returns provided by the following five coal mines between 2010-2014:
GIPA619 EPA243 |
05/11/15 |
Partial release (600 pages) Records related to a fire at 11 Severn Street, St Marys on 17 January 2015. |
GIPA620 EPA244 |
09/11/15 |
Partial release (nine records). Records regarding forestry operations at Lot 2, DP 599556, 756 Whian Whian Road, Whian Whian. |
GIPA622 EPA246 |
20/11/15 |
Partial release (nine records and a digital copy of koala habitat modelling that will require the viewer to have ArcGIS or other mapping systems) Records relating to the EPA's koala mapping project. |
GIPA624 EPA247 |
29/10/15 |
Full release (24 records) Records relating to the removal of coal seam gas waste material from AGL’s Broke site to Bettergrow in Vineyard and Tari Springs Farm on Putty Road. Also refer to GIPA394 / EPA141. |
GIPA628 EPA251 |
06/01/16 |
Full release (11 records) Records relating to four contaminated sites - Wilson's Park, Holker Busway, Silverwater, BHP Newcastle Steelworks Site, Koppers Newcastle Site and Steel River Newcastle Site. |
GIPA633 EPA252 |
10/02/16 |
Partial release (32 records) Records relating to investigations into the activities of Liverpool City Council in relation to asbestos-containing waste at a number of sites, including the Western Depot. |
GIPA639 EPA253 |
20/11/15 |
Partial release (two records) An investigation report into an aerial herbicide spray incident on 8 July 2013 by ParkAir, National Parks and Wildlife Service, at Forresters Beach, Central Coast, and an aerial application record. |
GIPA644 EPA255 |
04/12/15 |
Full release (14 records) Records related to 205-225 Euston Road, Alexandria. |
GIPA648 EPA257 |
03/12/15 |
Full release of information (two records). (i) Rutherford Air Quality Liaison Committee Health Impacts of Ambient Air Quality in Rutherford – Draft Technical Brief (ii) Email dated 07.12.15: Ruther Air Quality Liaison Committee. |
GIPA651 EPA258 |
30/11/15 |
Full release of information (one record). Spreadsheet containing EPA records of waste material sent to QLD from the Online Waste tracking system. |
GIPA652 EPA259 |
27/11/15 |
Full release of information (one record). EPA employees who were for authorised for the purposes of the Native Vegetation Act 2003 from 01.09.2013 to 31.10.2013. |
GIPA655 EPA261 |
07/12/15 |
Full release of information (one record). Letter dated 14 November 2012 from Mark Adamson – West Assessment Team at the Sutherland Shire Council to Trevor Wilson, Environment Protection Authority with the subject ‘Property: Benedict’s Sandy Point Quarry, 14309 Heathcote Road, Sandy Point'. |
GIPA657 EPA262
01/12/15 |
Full release All records released under previous GIPA applications re Martin’s Creek Quarry. |