Disclosure log 2014
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), agencies are required to keep a record (a disclosure log) of information about formal applications received.
The disclosure log sets out information that is released under the GIPA Act that may be of interest to members of the public, and is available on request by contacting
Ph: (02) 02 9228 6308 or (02) 9995 6099
Email: [email protected]
Postal address:
Governance Officer
Environment Protection Authority
Locked Bag 5022,
Parramatta NSW 2124
- See applications prior to 2012 on the Environment, Energy and Science website.
Reference no. | Date the application was decided | Description of the information and the type of release (full or partial) |
GIPA358 EPA125 | 21/02/14 | Partial release (77 documents). Documents from August until December 2013 regarding the Fell Review Report into the EPA's performance concerning Orica and Botany Industrial Park. |
GIPA361 EPA126 | 06/02/14 | Full release (two documents). Calendar entries or documents showing the number of meetings between Barry Buffier and/or Mark Gifford of the EPA and Orica staff or representatives. between 1 January 2013 and 1 January 2014. |
GIPA366 EPA128 | 31/03/14 | Full release (three documents). Documents related to a hazardous incident which occurred at Kelvin Park Drive, Bringelly on 24 May 2011. |
GIPA372 EPA131 | 26/03/14 | Full release (25 documents). Information relating to a site visit of Orica’s Botany site on 22 October 2013 by EPA Board members and EPA staff. |
GIPA377 EPA133 | 03/04/14 | Full release (five documents). Correspondence between the EPA and Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd (EnRiskS) and draft Auditors Guidelines – Section 4 - Contamination Assessment, Remediation and Management. |
GIPA382 EPA134 | 22/04/14 | Partial release (284 documents). Access to documents regarding groundwater in the vicinity of the Bibblewindi water treatment facility that were previously refused under GIPA333 / EPA115. |
GIPA386 EPA136 | 28/04/14 | Partial release. Annual return for EPL 5590 for 2012-2013 (Cadia Valley Operations). |
GIPA387 EPA137 | 30/04/14 | Partial release (127 pages - 28 documents). Documents related to the engagement of Professor Chris Fell in his independent assessment of the performance of the EPA with respect to chemicals at Botany. |
GIPA390 EPA139 | 23/04/14 | Full release (31 documents). Submissions related to the Protection of the Environment (General) Amendment (Native Forest Biomaterial) Regulation 2013. |
GIPA393 EPA140 | 09/07/14 14/07/14 05/09/14 | Partial release (over 200 documents). Information concerning the EPA’s 2013 review of the coal seam gas industry (includes Site Visit Reports relating to various Metgasco, Dart Energy, Santos and AGL sites - these reports were also released under GIPA394 / EPA141). Also refer to GIPA402 / EPA147 for information concerning AGL’s Gloucester environment protection licence application. |
GIPA394 EPA141 | 09/07/14 17/07/14 02/09/14 | Full release (43 documents). Site Visit Reports relating to various Metgasco, Dart Energy, Santos and AGL coal seam gas sites (these reports were prepared following the EPA’s 2013 review of the coal seam gas industry). This information was also released under GIPA393 / EPA140. Information not relevant to the access application will not be released. |
GIPA395 EPA142 | 01/07/14 | Partial release (42 documents). Documents relating to test results and environmental line reports regarding the Number 1 demolition site at Chester Hill. |
GIPA398 EPA144 | 01/07/14 | Partial release (approximately 140 documents). Documents related to PART3A Project Application 08_0008 Hunters Hill Remediation Project. |
GIPA400 EPA145 | 21/05/14 | Full release (four documents). Documents regarding the groundwater contamination under the Waverley bus depot. |
GIPA401 EPA146 | 26/05/14 | Partial release (three documents). Senior EPA staff register of conflicts of interest. |
GIPA402 EPA147 | 24/07/14 | Partial release (approximately 200 documents). AGL Upstream Investments Pty Ltd’s September 2013 environment protection licence application concerning its Gloucester coal seam gas operations. Also refer to GIPA393 / EPA140. |
GIPA403 EPA148 | 23/05/14 | Full release (15 documents). Copies of annual returns from 2000 to 2014 of POEO EPL licence no. 1378 (Martins Creek Quarry). Also refer to GIPA413 / EPA153 and GIPA430 / EPA161. |
GIPA404 EPA149 | 30/05/14 | Partial release (27 documents). Documents in relation to the pollution of groundwater aquifers as a result of leaking ponds at the Bibblewindi Water Treatment Facility near Narrabri, NSW. |
GIPA411 EPA151 | 30/05/14 | Full release (46 documents). Documents arising from investigations into contamination of the sites: 1) 103-105 Silverwater Road, Silverwater 2) 54-58 Derby Street, Silverwater. |
GIPA412 EPA152 | 21/05/14 | Full release (457 pages). Documents provided to Professor Fell, regarding his investigation into the activities of the EPA. |
GIPA413 EPA153 | 07/07/14 | Partial release (29 documents). The proponent’s application, and related documents to the EPA regarding Licence Variation 1071585 of EPL 1378 (Martins Creek Quarry). Also refer to GIPA403 / EPA148 and GIPA430 / EPA161. |
GIPA417 EPA157 | 12/05/14 | Partial release (83 pages). Complaints about odour at North Head on 24 February 2010. |
GIPA420 EPA158 | 25/07/14 | Full release. Documents related to 51-59 Princes Highway, Fairy Meadow. |
GIPA422 EPA159 | 06/08/14 | Partial release. Environmental Protection Licenses for each year 1994-2014 including annual extraction rates – Action Sands Tweed River – licence number 004723. |
GIPA429 EPA160 | 10/07/14 | Full release (88 documents). Any licence issued by the State Pollution and Control Commission and reports in relation to and at Lot 40 DP255228 Winston Rd, Eagleton. |
GIPA430 EPA161 | 17/07/14 | Partial release (50 documents). All applications, reports, licences and any other documents in relation to the processing and extraction of gravel on land known as Lot 1 DP204377 [Martins Creek Quarry]. Also refer to GIPA403 / EPA148 and GIPA413 / EPA153. |
GIPA442 EPA162 | 24/07/14 | Partial release (eight documents). Documents relating to any potential or actual conflicts of interest regarding consultants providing advice and working for the EPA in the Botany region. |
GIPA443 EPA163 | 15/08/14 | Partial release (10 documents). Ordinary/primary returns of pecuniary interests of EPA Board members (2012-13). |
GIPA445 EPA164 | 18/07/14 | Full release (nine documents). Records related to 71 Fig Hill Lane, Dunmore. |
GIPA449 EPA166 | 01/08/14 | Partial release (78 pages). Documents relating to the probity and procurement of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment to analyse test results or comment on contamination in the Hillsdale/Botany area. |
GIPA451 EPA167 | 11/08/14 | Full release (22 documents). All documents and information that the EPA considered when making a submission on the Baiada Broiler Farm proposal. |
GIPA463 EPA169 | 25/08/14 | Partial release (267 documents). Communications between the EPA and the Forestry Corporation of NSW since 2011 that relate to Royal Camp State Forest. |
GIPA465 EPA171 | 14/08/14 | Partial release (two documents). Location of disposal of liquid waste by Polpure, between 6 June 2007 and 23 September 2009. |
GIPA471 EPA174 | 12/09/14 | Partial release (1 report). Copy of audit report carried out by the "Odour Unit" on behalf of Transpacific (Liquid Waste Treatment Plant). |
GIPA473 EPA175 | 16/09/14 | Partial release (33 pages). Any correspondence, emails, reports including advertisements, tender documents, and declarations of conflict of interest, regarding the contracting of public relations firm Cato Counsel. |
GIPA474 EPA176 | 20/10/14 | Full release (10 documents). Scope revised 8/10/2014; EPA evaluations and any specific reports in relation to emissions from ships. |
GIPA475 EPA177 | 11/09/14 | Full release (one document). Camden Gas Project Leak Detection and Repair Report, May-December 2013. |
GIPA480 EPA178 | 15/09/14 | Full release (one document). The final report of Ferrier Hodgson’s lead abatement strategy related to the former Pasminco Smelter. |
GIPA482 EPA179 | 18/09/14 | Full release (two reports).
GIPA483 EPA180 | 06/11/14 | Partial release (100 documents). Internal, interagency and ministerial correspondence, briefing notes, minutes of meetings regarding EPL 1378 April 2007 Licence variation 1071585 (Martin Creeks Quarry). |
GIPA484 EPA181 | 24/09/14 | Full release (one document). Email related to Martin's Creek Quarry - Licence Variation in 2007. |
GIPA486 EPA182 | 14/1014 | Full release (36 pages). EPA correspondence and reports between the owner of 84-90 George St. Marulan and Goulburn Council. |
GIPA487 EPA183 | 10/09/14 | Full release (four documents). Records regarding the bus depot at 14 Ettalong Road, Morisset. |
GIPA488 EPA184 | 16/10/14 | Full release of (28 reports). 348 Victoria Road, Rydalmere contamination assessment (Jan 2009 to Aug 2014). |
GIPA493 EPA186 | 20/11/14 | Partial release (73 records). Records relating to the Warkworth and Mt Thorley Continuation Projects. |
GIPA497 EPA188 | 02/10/14 | Partial release (43 documents). Records relating to the Alexandria Landfill and Alexandria Recycling Centre (EPL 4627 and EPL 12594) including six monthly volumetric surveys and a Filling Plan (May 2012). (Sensitive business information will not be released). |
GIPA500 EPA190 | 31/10/14 | Full release (681 pages). Reports relating to the former Catherine Hill Bay coal mine. |
GIPA504 EPA193 | 17/11/14 | Full release (1 document). Mutual recognition applications by environmental auditors. |
GIPA511 EPA194 | 04/03/15 | Full release (16 documents). Records relating to the ban on solaria and the Radiation Control Regulation 2013. |
GIPA512 EPA195 | 16/01/15 | Partial release (178 pages and 9 short videos). Complaints received by the EPA about Summertime Chicken Pty Ltd.. |
GIPA521 EPA198 | 05/12/14 | Partial release (eight documents). Information regarding a letter/email written to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Chemicals Branch by the EPA regarding Mr Andrew Helps and Hg Recoveries Pty Ltd. |
GIPA522 EPA199 | 04/12/14 | Partial release (30 pages). Communications and emails with or about Professor Brian Priestly. (Personal information and irrelevant information will not be released). |
GIPA524 EPA200 | 23/02/15 | Full release (56 documents). Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOA) monthly reports for the Central Forestry region for June-October 2014. |
GIPA530 EPA203 | 28/01/15 | Partial release (1 report). Transpacific Industries; Liquid Waste Plan Odour Management Review; previously considered in GIPA471. |