National Pollutant Inventory

About the NPI

The National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) is an internet database that provides the community, industry and government with free information about the emissions of 93 substances in Australia. The NPI is implemented cooperatively by the Federal Government, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and other state and territory governments.

The NPI contains over 20 years of emission data from industrial facilities and non-industrial (diffuse) sources such as motor vehicle exhausts. Each year in NSW over 900 facilities from about 100 different industries report on their emissions.

To access the NPI database and find out about emissions in your area or to view a full list of the 93 NPI substances and their impacts, go to

Industry reporters

All facilities that use NPI substances at levels above certain thresholds must report any emissions of those NPI substances. The thresholds for the use of NPI substances are shown in the NPI Guide. The guide also contains information to help determine if a facility exceeds these thresholds.

Facilities that exceed the thresholds for a substance are legally required to report emissions of that substance to the NPI. In NSW the requirement to report emissions through the NPI is enforced through the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2022.

The NPI Guide and industry-specific Emissions Estimation Technique Manuals assist in determining emissions for facilities.

How to report

Reports can be lodged with the NSW NPI through the online reporting system. The NPI reporting period is generally from 1 July to 30 June. Reports must be submitted within three months of the end of the reporting period (30 September). Contact the NSW NPI if you have queries regarding how to report.

Transfers reporting

A recent variation to the NPI has introduced the need to report transfers of substances in waste to their final destination. More information on transfers reporting requirements is available on the NPI website.

The NPI variation also introduced the reporting of new substances, a lowered usage threshold for mercury and compounds, and a change in the release date of annual data.

Training for the on-line reporting system

Training on the NPI Online Reporting System (ORS) and general NPI concepts can be provided for representatives of reporting facilities. Training sessions can be held online or over the phone and cover

  • an overview of the NPI program
  • an explanation of the online reporting system
  • a demonstration of the online reporting system
  • information about transfer reporting requirements
  • a demonstration of the calculation tools
  • Q & A session

Contact the NSW NPI team at to discuss your training needs.

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