Litter Prevention Grants Program
The NSW Litter Prevention Grants Program is a critical element of the NSW Litter Prevention Strategy, providing support for key stakeholders to deliver on-ground and strategic litter prevention projects.
The program supports the new litter targets outlined in the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM).
This program aims to facilitate action and inspire leadership in litter prevention to ensure a healthy and thriving environment for the future.
Projects supported by the Litter Prevention grants program combine enforcement, infrastructure and education. They make use of the Tosser creative materials and Local Litter Check resources. The program also provides funding for the development of strategic projects that support long-term litter prevention projects in NSW.
Grants available
Up to $10 million in funding is available in 3 streams from 2022 to 2027.
The NSW Government has opened the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM) Litter Prevention Grants Program for councils, community groups and other key stakeholders to deliver litter prevention projects and develop strategic plans to address litter in their local environments.
Own it and Act strategic framework
Organisations that wish to apply for strategic funding must refer to the Own it and Act strategic framework (PDF 1.1MB) and Own it and Act Preliminary Status Check (XLSX 144KB).
If litter prevention is to remain a priority in NSW, a long-term strategic approach is needed. This will ensure that litter prevention has a place in every organisation in NSW and that people know what to do to prevent litter effectively. This means individuals have the will and knowledge and take action to prevent litter. It means organisations take responsibility for their role in preventing litter by embedding principles, policies and practices into their everyday business. And it means organisations reach out to others and work collaboratively to embed the right behaviours in NSW over the long run to create an enduring legacy for future generations. The vision for litter prevention in NSW is simple: Own it and Act.
The Litter Prevention Unit has developed the Own it and Act strategic framework and the Own it and Act Preliminary Status Check to provide a framework for engaging in long-term litter prevention and to assist organisations to refine the scope and direction of proposed litter prevention projects.

Own it and Act: strategic framework Own it and Act: strategic framework