Mens Shed
‘Going Green at the Shed’ was an awareness campaign deployed across all NSW Men Sheds to ensure the message was delivered to the community through channels that were suitable for them.
Sustainability in the Shed

The NSW plastics bans was a platform for Men’s Sheds to develop and put in place the 'Going Green at the Shed' campaign. This was to encourage members to make easy changes for a cleaner and greener shed environment.
The awareness activities reached members of almost 400 Men's Sheds across NSW and 25,000 engaged members. These people are typically older males who don’t use the internet much.
This meant we reached a digitally marginalised audience in ways that are better suited such as printed posters and physical magazines distributed to the sheds.
Tapping into audiences whose main focus is not an environmental one is critical for any waste reduction awareness campaign. At the same time, their campaign highlighted that plastic is often not tackled in isolation, it is one part of a person’s move to a circular economy.