Content page
12 Dec 2018
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy
Reducing waste generation and keeping materials circulating within the economy are priorities for NSW. To meet this challenge, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) prepares a new Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy every five years.

Content page
28 Nov 2018
Response to the enforcement of the China National Sword Policy
The NSW Government and the EPA are committed to working with councils, regional waste groups and industry to improve and strengthen our recycling systems in NSW.

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21 Nov 2018
Tips for searching the contaminated land record of notices
This information will help you effectively search the EPA’s contaminated land record of notices. You should read and be aware of the disclaimer before you start your search.

Content page
21 Nov 2018
Placard loads
Where the load in a transport unit (for example, portable tank, bulk container, freight container or freight vehicle) contains a quantity of dangerous goods that requires placards to be displayed on the transport unit, the load is a placard load.

Content page
15 Nov 2018
Pesticide notification advice for pest management technicians
Notification of pesticide use is at times compulsory under legislation or can just be good practice. By following responsible notification techniques, you can help avoid complaints or disputes and prevent harm to people and the environment.