Litter - Regional Implementation Program

Program snapshot

Eligible bodies: NSW Regional Waste Groups and Joint Organisations.

Contact: (02) 9995-5000 or [email protected]

Managed by: NSW EPA.


The EPA has provided grants to Regional Waste Groups under this Program since 2014.

They support Regional Waste Groups deliver litter prevention projects that answer their regional needs. These projects play an important role in achieving long-term goals for litter reduction in NSW.

Grant projects apply an integrated approach to litter prevention, using cleaning, infrastructure, education and awareness, enforcement and involvement.

Applications are now closed.

Previous grantees and case studies

  • Stage 5
    Amount awarded: $64,062
    ​Implementation February 2022 – March 2023
  • Stage 4
    Amount awarded:
    ​ $1 million
    Status:​ Implementation March 2019 - April 2020
  • Stage 3
    Amount awarded:​ $1.17 million
    Status:​ Closed - Implementation November 2017 – November 2019
  • Enhancement Round
    Amount awarded:
    ​ $175,654
    Status:​ Closed - Implementation July 2017 - October 2017
  • Litter-Regional Implementation Program - Stage 1 and 2
    ​Amount awarded: Stage 1. $300,000 / Stage 2. $1.2 million
    Status: Closed – Implementation July 2016 - June 2017
Litter-Regional Implementation Program Stage 5 Recipients
Organisation Amount Project summary
Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation
$38,362 Own It & Act Baseline Model for Local Councils
The project will assist three regional Councils in modelling their current organisational baseline for litter prevention to address strengths and gaps in line with the NSW EPA Own It & Act (OIAA) Framework.
The project will formally identify and quantify member council's level of ownership and existing action on litter prevention in line with the four OIAA enablers - leadership, commitment, permission, processes. The project will also develop a set of goals to embed litter prevention within each organisation and address areas of weakness to formalise permission for staff to engage in litter prevention activities. The ultimate objective is to provide a capacity-building framework for involved Councils to embed key litter prevention principles in their organisation.
The learnings and outcomes will provide the EPA with key information across three different organisations regarding the enablers and some of the barriers and opportunities presented in a local Council environment to embed litter prevention.
North East Waste $25,700 NEW Marine Litter Project
The project will create a litter data set for assessing litter entering the estuarine environment. Investigation into potential sources of litter will be undertaken to help inform Clarence Valley Council’s future planning for potential litter reduction initiatives and interventions, and build Council capacity to implement, monitor and evaluate litter prevention projects.
The project will adopt the Key Littered Items Study methodology, a long-term program for monitoring marine debris in Tweed and Ballina Shires. The selected sites will be in the Clarence River catchment, downstream from village of Yamba. The project will contribute the overall regional litter data set. This project and its learnings will contribute to our regions collective knowledge around marine debris laying the foundations for a regional strategic approach.
Litter- Regional Implementation Program and case studies
  • The Litter- Regional Implementation Program (L-RIP) is a council litter prevention support program for the development and implementation of litter prevention plans identified in Regional Waste Strategies.

Stage 4: March 2019-April 2020



Project Summary

Canberra Regional Joint Organisation $74,720

Roadside Clean-up

This project will target roadside litter thrown from vehicles during summer holiday and winter snow seasons. It will establish partnerships with nine local councils as well as Roads and Maritime Services. The Project will target litter hotspots at the junction between highways and arterial roads leading to towns. Roadside litter clean-ups, and litter counts will be undertaken at selected monitoring sites. Signage will be installed on the arterial roads, and a range of educational litter prevention activities and training of council staff in litter prevention will be completed.

Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils $75,000

Recreational Parks and Sports Field Litter Reduction

This project will target takeaway packing and drink container litter at sporting, social and recreational parks across the Hunter Region. This project will develop collaborative partnerships with sporting and community groups, residents and businesses to encourage park users to take responsibility for proper disposal. This project will build on a successful stage 2 grant project delivered in 2017, using targeted education programs, improved infrastructure and clean-up kits, signage and litter enforcement.

Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils $51,500

Own it and Act

 ​his project will support Councils improve policy, planning and efficiency in litter management and improve equipment and a suite of community education materials. It will include a review and update of cost of litter analysis, review of council staff code of conduct to incorporate litter prevention practices, review of existing public litter bins infrastructure and clean-up practices, and development of localised litter education resources.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation $72,500

We Bin our Butts: Reducing cigarette butt litter in recreational parks

 ​This project will target cigarette butt litter at recreational parks across the southern highlands and south coast. The Project will build on strategies developed for the recent NSW EPA Cigarette Butt Litter Trial. It will review existing bin infrastructure, establish designated smoking areas in litter hotpots, install new butt bins, floor stencils and Tosser! collateral. A clean-up and education blitz will engage residents and visitors and partnerships will be formed with local businesses to spread the campaign message. A short film will be created for social media and promoted by councils, businesses and community organisations.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation


Determining disposal barriers resulting in silage wrap littering rural waterways and roadsides

This project will target littering of silage wrap on agricultural farms. The project will engage with suppliers and consumers of agricultural silage wrap to improve disposal practices. Strategies will include a review of existing practices, engagement of livestock farmers through local workshops and development of a campaign to encourage correct disposal.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation $47,000

Cost of litter study

 This project will support member councils to undertake a cost of litter study to improve internal litter management policies. Currently activities are managed across multiple internal department, with evidence of duplication of effort, lack of resource effectiveness and no clear business case for litter prevention.

Macarthur Strategic Waste Alliance


Operation 40: Part 2

 ​This project aims to build on the success of the Stage 3 LRIP Operation 40 Project, targeting the littering of containers, take-a-way wrappers and coffee cup from vehicles. The project will target three additional roadside litter hotpots in Wollondilly, Campbelltown and Camden councils. It will educate road users through local campaigns and roadside signs and develop a community of rangers, through the active promotion of the Report to EPA littering from vehicle program. The project will form partnerships with local quick-service restaurants to engage with their customers on correct disposal of waste.

Midwaste Regional Waste Forum


Reducing litter at source

 This project will target litter in recreational parks at sports fields in the mid-north coast region. The project will partner with local sports clubs to tackle takeaway food packaging, boot strapping and drink containers. The project will also work with local businesses to identify solutions to reduce single-use takeaway items and provide alternative products to avoid litter. Improved bin and signage will also be implemented at litter hotspots.

Midwaste Regional Waste Forum $18,500

PICITUP Program: Part 2

 ​This project aims to increase community involvement in litter prevention and clean-up in the mid-north coast region councils, extending the PICITUP Program implemented under Stage 2 LRIP grant program. The program supports volunteers to identify hotspots, improve data collection, coordinate clean-ups and collaborative with councils on litter prevention activities. Local promotion of voluntary clean-up activities, including through local media, will encourage participation. Infrastructure improvements will be made based on volunteer litter data and feedback. Volunteers will provide their litter collection data at regular intervals, so Councils can evaluate the impact of the program, identify hotspots and target materials for intervention.

Midwaste Regional Waste Forum $48,000

Embedding improved litter prevention

 ​This project will support member councils improve policy, planning and efficiency in litter management and improve equipment and a suite of community education materials. It will include a review and update of cost of litter analysis, review of council staff code of conduct to incorporate litter prevention practices, review of existing public litter bins infrastructure and clean-up practices, and development of localised litter education resources.

North East Waste $55,500

Roadside Litter Reduction

 ​The project will target roadside litter on the Pacific Highway in the Northern rivers region. North East Waste will collaborate with Roads and Maritime Services to assess and improve bins, signage, bin servicing and litter management of roadside rest stops and pull-overs. The project will be supported by a targeted media campaign across social media and local highway radio stations.

North East Waste $39,100

Litter Bin Tool and Business Case

 ​The project will trial the bin decision tool, recently develop by Southern Sydney Region of Councils, in Tweed Shire Council to improve bin placement efficiency. Tweed Shire has over 450 public place bins, and this project seeks to ensure these are appropriately positioned to optimise use and maximise litter capture. The Project will help build improved data collection, encourage council ownership of bin placement, with the findings used to roll-out similar projects across other member councils.

Northern Inland Regional Waste $50,000

Litter Clean-Up and Prevention at Regional Roadside Rest Areas

The project will target roadside litter at two regional rest stops on the New England Highway. The project will conduct litter checks, clean-ups, install new bin infrastructure and signage. The project will partner with local takeaway outlets to install point of sale litter messaging. The project will be supported by campaigns in local and social media, and onsite community engagement and enforcement activities.

NSROC $44,000

Litter a Waste of Money?

The project will partner with City of Ryde Council to assess the true costs of litter management. The project will seek to identify those elements contributing most to litter management and recommend preventative actions to reduce associated costs across the region. The project will develop a cost of litter study template for use by other member councils.

RAMJO Murray Waste Group $84,950

Litter Clean-Up and Prevention at Regional Roadside Rest Areas

 ​The project will target cigarette, drink container and takeaway litter at three riverside recreational areas in the Murray region. The project will deliver a regional education campaign, undertake enforcement patrols, and install Tosser! Signage to engage with site users. The project will install solar compactor bins to improve bin servicing efficiency and reduce bins overflows.

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils $85,000

Stop, before you drop!

 ​The project will target drink container and takeaway litter at recreational and sporting areas in the Riverina region. The project will include an assessment of current infrastructure and litter management costs, followed by installation of new bin infrastructure. This will be supported by signage at entry points indicating bin locations, and Tosser! campaign messaging. Radio advertising, social media campaigns, newsletters, targeted enforcement patrols and litter champions will be used to engage with local users to dispose of waste correctly.

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils $30,800

Litter: It has a price

This project aims to undertake a cost of litter study pilot at recreational areas. Based on the information gathered in the study, a business case will be developed showing what litter prevention changes can be made and what costs savings are involved.

Southern Sydney Region of Councils $40,000

Cost baseline

The project will assess current “smart technologies” and user experiences that specifically manage and provide efficiencies related to public place litter bins. These include bin sensors, software and cameras. The project aims to provide the first-ever baseline in Australia of current technologies and user experiences in this area. The project will report on the cost-benefit analysis across environmental, social, and cost-effectiveness criteria. The study will integrate findings from pilots and case studies from across NSW and Australia. A final report will be shared with councils across NSW.

Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils $85,000

Reducing food and drink containers and packaging in recreational areas

This project will target food and drink container litter at high-use weekend recreational parks in Western Sydney. The project aims to increase awareness of park visitors of the impact of litter to encourage proper disposal. New litter bins will be installed, completed by floor stencils and signs to improve bin visibility. Users will be engaged through bilingual educators, street performers, and an enforcement blitz.

Stage 3: 2017-18



Project Summary

Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils


Clean-up and awareness campaign for arterial roads

This project will target roadside litter thrown from vehicles. It will establish partnerships with RMS and centre management and businesses at highway service centres, located at the junction between highways and arterial roads leading to towns. Roadside litter clean-ups will be undertaken and litter counts undertaken at selected monitoring sites. Signage will be installed on the arterial roads, and a range of educational litter prevention activities will be undertaken at the service centres.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation


Source Reduction at Foreshore reserves

This project will develop and deliver a range of foreshore reserve litter reduction strategies. Workshops will be held with community groups, industry, Council and Councillors to collect and assess litter data. Targeted source reduction projects will be rolled out at a minimum of 2 sites in each member council. The project will support community driven projects. Council rangers will be trained and engaged to target littering on beaches and at foreshore parks. Clean-up events hosted at specific sites will feature large novelty litter items to create interest and awareness within the community and create media opportunities. Litter will be collected and data will be logged in the Australian Marine Debris database. Social media campaigning, including a short, animated film showing the life of a cigarette will also be used to promote litter prevention across the region.


Litter Reduction at Main road intersections and tourist hotspots

This project will target roadside litter at main road intersections and tourist hotspot sites across the Illawarra Region. Highly visible signage, erected at entry and exit points to South Coast and southern Highlands towns and villages, will increase the incidence of community litter reporting and raise awareness of the environmental damage caused by litter.

The project will include campaign displays at prominent business locations and service centres; outdoor banners; bus backs and bus stop signage to promote the Report to EPA program and life sized cut-outs indicating the correct behaviour.

Council, regional staff and actors from the Eton Gorge Theatre Company will be visible at key sites over peak periods and will set up banners, cut-outs, large litter items and signage to engage with customers. Additional ranger patrols and trained volunteers will also focus on litter at hotspot locations during peak periods to re-enforce the campaign.

Macarthur Regional Organisation of Councils


Project Building Solutions

This project will focus on reducing the volume of containers, take-a-way wrappers and coffee cup litter being dropped from vehicles and blowing from building sites in suburban areas and residential roads across the Macarthur region. The project will educate and enforce litter compliance on building sites though engaging with the managers and owners of building companies to educate them on the environmental and legal requirement for them to control litter on their building sites.



Operation 40

This project aims to reduce the volume of containers, take-a-way wrappers and coffee cup litter being dropped from vehicles by 40%. The project will promote community involvement through roadside signs to help educate road users and assist in monitoring and enforcement, developing a community of rangers, through the active promotion of EPA report littering from vehicle app.




Clean-up and awareness campaign for arterial roads

This project will target takeaway containers, drink containers and plastic litter on arterial roads. The project builds on the successful pilot project conducted in 2016-17 in Port Macquarie-Hastings and Kempsey Shire, continuing work in those LGA’s and extending the project to MidCoast and Coffs Harbour City Council.

The project will establish and develop partnerships with centre management and businesses at highway service centres, which are generally located at the junction between the Pacific Highway and arterial roads leading to major towns in the MIDWASTE region. Roadside litter clean-ups will be undertaken and litter counts undertaken at selected monitoring sites. Signage will be installed on the arterial roads, and a range of educational activities will be undertaken at the service centres.



2017/18 roll-out: Supporting community clean-up activities

This project aims to increase community involvement in litter prevention and clean-up in each participating council in the MIDWASTE region. The project will build on the 2017 Litter Enhancement Grant, developing collaborative partnerships between MIDWASTE councils and community groups. The project will work volunteers to identify hotspots, improve data collections, coordinate clean-ups and collaborative with councils on litter prevention activities.

Local promotion of voluntary clean-up activities, including through local media, will encourage participation, including information about litter fines and the Report to EPA program. Infrastructure improvements will be made based on volunteer litter data and feedback.

Volunteers will provide their litter collection data at regular intervals so Councils can evaluate the impact of the program, and identify hotspots and target materials for additional intervention.


State pilot program: Highway rest stop and pullover infrastructure improvement

This project involves working with RMS to assess and improve bins and signage at roadside rest stops and pull-overs across the MIDWASTE region. The project seeks to provide a foundation for state-wide improvements to litter management at RMS rest stops and pull-overs, by identifying and trialling the most suitable infrastructure and servicing systems. The project will build off strategies currently being developed by RMS and Brisbane City Council looking at staged engagement approach to rest stops for implementing messaging and bins placement for user experience as they pass through the space from entry, through centre, to exit; and a contractor feedback process to gather information on current practices and considerations for litter management rest stops.


North East waste


Pick up for your park

The project will target cigarette butts, drink containers and takeaway food packaging at four high profile recreational parks in Byron, Ballina, Richmond Valley and Clarence Valley. The objective will be to activate the local community to pick up and reduce target litter items by supporting community groups to champion and drive regular and ongoing clean ups at the sites. The intention of the project is not just to clean up sites but to create a culture of litter awareness and prevention through building the capacity of groups to be civic leaders for the protection and care of their local environment. These activities will be supported by an integrated prevention strategy, which will utilise Hey Tosser campaign materials, signage informing park users of littering fines, bin signage, Hey Tosser site banners, collection bags and other suitable campaign material at clean ups, and a local media campaign around activities at each site. Routine ranger patrols and monitoring will continue with an increased focus in the target areas. The expansion of the Regional Illegal Dumping Forum in Ballina in March 18 to include litter will assist in further building the capacity of councils to improve litter prevention and enforcement. The project will also leverage off existing high profile events to further promote litter prevention initiatives.


Northern Inland Regional Waste


Recreational parks infrastructure project

 ​The project will target high-use recreational parks with litter issues through clean-ups, infrastructure improvements and service improvements complemented by media and community engagement activities. This project expands the existing recreational parks projects that commenced in 2016 into Glen Innes Severn, Gwydir, Liverpool Plains, Uralla, Inverell councils. The project involves conducting a ‘local litter check’ for baseline data at each site, and reviewing infrastructure and servicing to determine improvements required. It will include site clean-ups, new bin infrastructure and service changes which may include improving bin numbers and placement, butt bins. The project will also improve bin cleansing program, adjusting service frequency, installing litter signage, and a media and community engagement campaign focused on littering in parks/reserve. Rangers will also undertake AELERT litter enforcement training.


Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils


Regional litter volume reduction program for recreation parks and sports fields

The project will target litter at sports fields and recreation parks through an engagement and enforcement program by appealing to, and building partnerships with, athletes, sporting clubs and regular uses of park facilities. Litter infrastructure will be reviewed and new infrastructure provided in consultation with project partners. Positive anti-litter behaviours will be sought from members of partnering sporting associations and park hirers. Prompts will be provided to remind the public to ‘do the right thing’. Councils will undertake review and enforcement of park hire policies across the region. Partnerships will be established with sporting associations and local community groups.



Interactive anti-litter displays and activities for use by the region at priority litter sites

The project will promote litter prevention though a community litter education and awareness program delivered through a range of mobile interactive and educational displays and activities that can be rolled-out across the CBD and high transit areas within the region.

Litter clean-up from priority sites will be displayed in a transparent, mobile casing to demonstrate to the public the extent of the littering issue. Additional displays and exhibits to include art exhibitions and street theatre and/or other activities. Time phase impacts of litter to also be displayed to demonstrate the visual impact of litter over time. The project will be bolstered through on-site ranger enforcement and installation of new bins.


Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils - Riverina


Don’t mess with the Riverina

This project will target cigarette butt, takeaway food packaging and drink container litter at recreation sites in each member council. The councils will be consulted to ensure infrastructure (such as litter bins) are well positioned and match any existing bin design and placement strategy. The park signage and the litter bins will promote the ‘Hey Tosser’ litter prevention messaging. Each council will utilise their regulatory staff to enforce correct litter behaviour at these identified sites. Local Litter Checks will be sued to monitor and evaluate the project success.


Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils



Reducing cigarette butt litter in shopping strips

This project will target cigarette butt litter in shopping strips. Cigarette butts have been identified as a challenge and cost for councils in our region to address. This project aims to increase awareness of local shoppers that butts belong in the bin and the location of bins in the area. This would be achieved by installing new specially designed cigarette butt disposal bins and drawing attention to the location of the bins out using high visibility and engaging directional messaging. There will also be specialised engagement with local shoppers to draw attention to cigarette butt littering, using either CALD speaking educators or theatre performers, depending on the location and audience. An enforcement blitz at locations will follow. Consistent cleanliness and local shopper awareness of the issue would be measured before and after campaign using centrally coordinated local litter check monitoring.

Stage 2: 2016-17

Grants were awarded to all 15 Regional Waste Groups to implement litter prevention plans.

Organisation Amount Project Summary
Canberra Region Joint Organisation $84,000 Hey Tosser! Reducing Littering From Vehicles

This project targets littering from vehicles by increasing the capacity of road users to report littering by informing the community to report littering to the EPA. The program in the first year will focus on reducing littering from vehicles from visitors in the summer holidays. A regional roadside clean-up will occur prior to promoting the message 'Hey Tosser!' through roadside banners. Promotional activities will occur during peak holiday periods. Major routes used by tourists such as the Monaro, Princes, Kings and Snowy Mountains Highways will be targeted alongside key exit and entry points at major townships of Yass, Goulburn, Young and Crookwell.
Midwaste $110,000

Pilot Program: Clean-up and Awareness Campaign for Arterial Roads and Highway Service Centres

This project addresses takeaway containers, drink containers and plastic littered on arterial roads identified as the highest priority in the MIDWASTE 2016-2021 Regional Litter Plan. It will establish partnerships with centre management and businesses at highway service centres located at the junction between the Pacific Highway and arterial roads leading to major towns in the region. Site clean-ups and litter counts will be undertaken at the service centres and at selected monitoring sites on the arterial roads. Signage will be installed on the arterial roads and a range of educational activities will be undertaken at the service centres.

NetWaste $125,000 Don't Rubbish Our Recreational Parks

This project will be a pilot project focusing on behaviour change of users of recreational areas within eight council areas in the region to prevent litter. This project will implement council specific strategies and then evaluate them to identify the most successful approaches for litter reduction. This will then be used to engage the broader NetWaste member councils. Each council will focus on one park, lookout or riparian area and work with existing community groups and encourage community members to get involved in clean-ups. Included in the baseline data component of the project is a detailed cost analysis of litter in the selected recreational area. This will allow councils to build a business case for a greater focus on litter prevention in the future rather than continual clean-up.

North East Waste $80,000 Roadside Litter Campaign

This multi-faceted project will use both enforcement and clean-up as well as community engagement and education to reduce litter along roadsides. A media campaign will be launched through local radio, print and social media to encourage people to register to report littering from vehicles to the EPA. The campaign will be supported by face-to-face engagement of the public to help increase this target. Council networks and councils' visual mobile signs will be used. In consultation with council staff, three sites between towns will be selected on arterial roads that approach major highways. Data will be gathered at each site prior to the launch of the campaign. To gauge the project impact on litter reduction at the hotspots, the number of incidents reported and the number of people who register to report will be evaluated.

Northern Inland Regional Waste $88,000 Recreational Parks Infrastructure Project

The recreational parks infrastructure project will commence in 2016-2017 and is expected to continue each year to 2021. This project will identify one high-use recreational park with litter issues in at least six local government areas, and these will receive clean-ups, infrastructure improvements and service improvements complemented by media and community engagement activities. Rangers will undertake litter enforcement training provided by the EPA. The project involves conducting a Local Litter Check for baseline data at each site, and reviewing infrastructure and servicing to determine improvements required. Conducting site clean-ups and implementing infrastructure and service changes which may include improving bin numbers/placement/type, including consideration of butt bins, improving bin cleansing program, adjusting service frequency, installing litter signage, media campaign focused on littering in parks/reserves (free council media plus TV advertising utilising local imagery and messaging), enforcement and community engagement activities, including links to Clean Up Australia Day.

RAMROC Murray $35,000 Less Litter, Better Life

This project involves the use of advertising to raise awareness of how to report littering from a vehicle to the EPA. This project aims to raise public awareness via a media campaign via flyers, signage, posters and on radio stations across the region.

RAMROC Riverina $35,000 Keep Our Roadside Litter Free

This project involves six waste depots targeting litter on the roadsides 250 metres leading to waste depot entrances. The participating councils and other groups agreed that the roadsides leading to waste depots was a hotspot that should be tackled. The project involves a series of elements at the primary waste depot in each local government area. This project will involve conducting a Local Litter Check audit of the sites to determine the quantity of litter before the project commences; a clean-up of the designated areas; providing a ‘Hey Tosser’ education campaign including brochures, advertising and signage; and conducting a final Local Litter Check audit of the sites to determine the quantity of litter at the finalisation of the project.

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils $35,000 Stop! Before You Drop - Reducing Litter on Regional Roads

This project focuses on regional roads and littering from cars. This project encourage people to wait until they stop to dispose of their litter. It will focus on public toilets identified as frequently used by travellers where Hey Tosser! signage will be displayed and additional bin infrastructure will be provided. Member councils will audit their existing bin infrastructure that services travellers to ensure that it meets their needs. Car tidy bags will be made available through local service stations, tourist information centres and takeaway locations in each local government area. The project also aims to identify other locations in each local government area where car tidy bags can be made available. The project will be supplemented by radio advertising targeting drivers travelling through the region. In addition, the target market will be encouraged to report littering from vehicles to the EPA.

Hunter Councils Group $49,865 Recreational Parks: Improve Infrastructure/Litter Management Practices

This project will support Hunter regional council staff to review and improve infrastructure development including litter measurement and enhanced community engagement at nominated high use recreational parks. This project will encourage users ofrecreational parks to take responsibility for disposing of bottles and takeaway packaging appropriately using the infrastructure provided, rather than littering and assuming it will be cleaned up by someone else. The focus will be on people using targeted council owned and managed recreational facilities for sporting, social and community activities by developing partnerships and working collaboratively with stakeholders, community groups, local residents and businesses. Coupled with the use of targeted education programs, improved infrastructure, signage and enforcement deterrents, this project will function as a pilot case study for the region to reduce the volume of litter in at least one targeted high use recreational park in each council area by 2019/20.

Illawarra Pilot Joint Organisation $71,060 Highway and Main Roads Litter Reduction

This project aims to reduce the volume of takeaway food and beverage packaging littered on highways and major arterial roads across the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Wingecarribee region. Local Litter Checks will be conducted on nominated road sites including on/off ramps in each local government area to establish the volume of litter at each site. Each council will engage with the relevant quick service restaurants and their customers. The project will use mobile signage on highways, posters, car litter bags and radio using the ‘Hey Tosser!’ message and promote reporting littering from vehicles to the EPA.

Macarthur Regional Organisation of Councils $35,000 Project Building Solutions

This project will focus on the reduction of the volume of containers, takeaway wrappers and coffee cup litter ‘leaking’ from building sites in suburban areas and residential roads across MACROC. This will be achieved through educating and enforcing litter compliance on building sites. MACROC, council rangers and consultants will work together on this project. Building site employees will be asked to use bins and skips on building sites. Warnings and penalties will be given to repeat offending building sites.

Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils $108,400 Regional Litter Volume Reduction Program for Recreational Parks and Sports Fields

An engagement and enforcement program aiming to reduce the volume of littered items found at sports fields and recreation parks by building partnerships with, athletes, sporting clubs, community groups and regular uses of park facilities. Litter infrastructure will be reviewed and new infrastructure provided as required taking on feedback from project partners. Positive anti-litter behaviours will be sought from members of partnering sporting associations and park hirers. Prompts will be provided to remind the public to do the right thing with their waste. Councils will undertake review and enforcement of park hire policies across the region.

Shore Regional Organisation of Councils $68,600 Litter Reduction Along Major Arterial Entry Roads

This project targets litter on roads through signage at transport hubs which raises awareness that the community can report littering from vehicles to the EPA. Transfer stations users will also be reminded to cover their loads to avoid fines and reduce roadside litter.

Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils $140,000 Bus Stop Litter Data Baseline and Stop! Bus Stop Litter

The first part of this project will quantify the extent and types of litter discarded at transport interchanges and bus stops associated with town centres, along with associated litter behaviour, utilising Local Litter Checks, observational methods and other assessment tools. Findings from this research will inform litter prevention approaches in Stop! Bus Stop Litter project. This project will design and deliver a litter reduction program incorporating infrastructure, education and enforcement to reduce litter at bus transport interchanges associated with town centres. Local Litter Checks will be used to monitor the project. An education and engagement plan will be designed to respond to the key issues identified. This will include rangers and waste enforcement officers in helping to educate transport users. The outcomes and evaluation will be shared with other SSROC councils to encourage targeted, place-based approaches to litter prevention.

Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils $139,828

Driver Education:Fines Apply For Littering
This project targets littering on arterial roads in the WSROC region. It will involve multiple stakeholders such as Roads and Maritime Services and neighbouring councils. This project aims to increase awareness of local residents that littering from vehicles is illegal, encourage witnesses to report littering behaviour to the EPA and to increase the perception of getting caught. This will be achieved using a high profile campaign that involves media saturation using ‘Hey Tosser!’ and anti-litter messaging for a short duration, followed by an enforcement blitz at key locations where media placement is prominent. Local resident awareness of the issues will be measured before and after the campaign and with in-depth focus group research, and reports of registrations, reports and penalties issued as a result of the campaign. Local Litter Checks will also be used to determine the project’s impact on roadside litter.

Stage 1: 2015-16

All 15 Regional Waste Groups in NSW were successful in receiving $20,000 to begin regional planning for litter prevention.