Engagement Framework

Our Engagement Framework is designed to bring community, customers and partners together to share ideas and collaborate.

An engaged community working together will achieve better outcomes for the environment and human health.

The framework outlines our commitment to everyone we work with and recognizes it's essential to involve people in decisions that impact them. 

We draw on international best practice to ensure we are effective and consistent in how we work with external stakeholders. Read about international best practice engagement from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2).

Our Charter of Engagement

We want you to have a good experience when you engage with us. Our Charter of Engagement outlines our commitment to everyone we work with. It signals our intent to better listen, inform, consult and involve community, industry and government in our work. We will be guided by the following principles. 

We place people at the centre of our thinking 

We will

  • consider the perspectives and views of affected or interested stakeholders
  • tailor engagement to take into account the stakeholder needs and diversity
  • use research and behavioural insights to understand motivations and barriers
  • identify the potential impacts of our decisions on our stakeholders
  • target engagement to the stakeholders who are most directly affected. 

We are clear and genuine when we interact with people 

We will

  • set out a clear purpose for why we are engaging
  • be open and transparent about the level of influence and involvement you have and what we can and cannot do
  • make it easy for you to engage with us

We bring stakeholders together to solve complex problems

We will

  • create genuine opportunities for stakeholders to participate in decision-making 
  • provide accessible and easy to understand information 
  • plan carefully, and engage early, to ensure you are given an appropriate and reasonable amount of time.

We communicate with, not to, people and the starting point for this is listening 

We will

  • listen to you genuinely and seek to understand your perspective and knowledge
  • ensure our communication approach is two-way 
  • allow space and time for difficult conversations and ensure these are respectful

We are outcomes-focused and close the feedback loop 

We will

  • let you know what we have heard and how we have listened 
  • respect that you have taken time to engage with us 
  • provide a timely response 
  • tell you the outcome and reasons for our decisions

We evaluate regularly and make changes to ensure our engagement is best practice 

We will

  • seek out, and listen to, your feedback on our engagement processes 
  • evaluate and continually improve our engagement
  • identify new tools in engagement to enhance our approach.
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