Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events
Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events such as droughts and floods alongside ocean warming and acidification, increasing fluctuation in air temperatures and rising sea levels are posing significant threats to communities, ecosystems and the built environment.

Increasing transition in human settlement and industry land-use patterns
Increasing risks of land, property and infrastructure damage along with the increasing concern of underinsurance are likely to change the liveability and profitability of certain regions. This has potential impacts on human settlement and industry patterns, creating potential for abandoned land and extra burdens on urbanised area resources.

Accelerating transformation of the food and agriculture industry
Increasing attention to agricultural emissions is driving innovation in mitigation practices and monitoring. Increasing frequency and intensity of droughts, floods and extreme events are requiring greater consideration of adaptation, ranging from small-scale improvements to a holistic relocation of entire industries.

Rising concern on human health implications of climate change
There is increasing attention to the interlinked nature of climate change and health, including the impact of climate change on reduction in air quality, creating conditions for increased disease transmission and negatively impacting mental health.

Expanding cleaner and greener practices across public and private sectors
Government and private industries are increasingly turning toward new technological innovations to improve circular economy practices and reduce GHG emissions. While there are important positive changes, progress is still slow and there are also risks for over-reliance on particular resources and changes to waste streams.

Increasing innovation and transition challenges in energy creation, storage and use
With more governments and businesses setting emission reduction and Net Zero targets, there is increasing attention to renewable energy technologies with an emphasis on Hydrogen power. The shift to renewable energies also comes with potential risks for mineral extraction and increased waste.

Growing bio engineering responses at small and large scales
The immediate and long-term impacts of climate change are driving significant change to the world’s natural ecosystems with biodiversity, species and resource loss. While ecosystem management and conservation efforts are accelerating, there is also an increasing interest in technological, bio and geo-engineering interventions.

Increasing prominence of climate change in public and business sentiment
The public’s awareness of climate change and view on it is enabling greater dialogue and scrutiny of governments and private institutions. Businesses are being pushed to do more to consider climate change mitigation and adaptation and political will in Australia is shifting. The likelihood of ‘ greenwashing’ is likely to increase.

Possible implication of the climate change horizon scan
Our first scan on climate change is a decision-support tool that assist us in ensuring our commitments and actions under the Climate Change Action Plan are responsive to emerging issues and trends.

Plastic phase outs - guidance for industry
Guidance to help suppliers identify if their products are banned plastic items, and whether they are considered to be 'single-use'.