Newcastle local air quality monitoring network
The Newcastle Local Air Quality Monitoring Network (NLAQMN) is a network of three monitoring stations located at Stockton, Carrington and Mayfield that monitors the impacts of industrial activity in and around the Port of Newcastle.
The stations continuously monitor levels of
- sulfur dioxide
- oxides of nitrogen
- particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometres in diameter (PM10)
- particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometres in diameter (PM2.5)
The Newcastle Local Air Quality Monitoring Network began operating in August 2014 and provides continuous local air quality monitoring with public access to real time data.
The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) also operates ambient air quality monitoring stations in Newcastle, Wallsend and Beresfield. These locations represent regional air quality experienced by the population of the Lower Hunter.
How the network operates
The Newcastle Local Air Quality Monitoring Network is administered by the EPA, operated by OEH, and funded by industry, including commercial shipping and railway activities. Industries in the Newcastle local government area that hold an EPA environment protection licence and emit particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, or oxides of nitrogen pay for the construction and operation of the network via a levy. The Protection of the Environment Operations(General) Regulation 2009 specifies the methods for determining emissions and calculating annual levies for these industries.
Read more about ways in which monitoring locations were selected.