Noise camera trial

The NSW Government has begun a noise camera trial in response to community concerns about anti-social behaviour and noisy vehicles, with cameras installed in Bayside and Wollongong Council areas.

The trial is likely to extend until mid-to-late 2025.

It delivers on the Government’s election commitment to trial noisy vehicle detection cameras in the Bayside and Wollongong Council areas.

Thank you to the community for providing input on the suggested locations for trialling the noise cameras.

You can report noisy vehicle pollution through the EPA’s online Report to EPA service. 

Questions and answers

Who decides on noise camera locations?
  • The current locations were selected based on information from concerned community members and councils as well as safety and technical aspects. An interagency working group, led by the EPA and comprising NSW Police, Transport for NSW, and the two local councils makes decisions on the locations.
  • We received information from an online suggestion form that closed on Monday 24 June 2024. Over several weeks we received more than 2,500 responses.
What is the noise camera trial about?
  • The NSW Government committed to trialling noise cameras in the Bayside and Wollongong local government areas in response to community concerns about anti-social behaviour and noisy vehicles.
  • Noise camera technology is a recent development, and a trial is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness and accuracy of the equipment and the resources needed to use noise camera technology for regulatory purposes.
When will the noise camera trial commence?
  • The noise camera trial in Bayside and Wollongong Councils has commenced, following a tender and procurement process and a range of logistical and safety preparations.
  • It is vital to get the best available technology for New South Wales and to evaluate if this technology can be used to address noisy vehicles and anti-social driving. The intention is to trial the technology in the field and under controlled conditions.
  • The trial commenced in December 2024 and may continue until mid-to-late 2025.
Where will the noise cameras be installed?
  • The trial is taking place in the Bayside and Wollongong council areas at locations agreed with each council.
  • The location of noise cameras may move from time-to-time however their deployment is dependent on a range of factors including safety requirements and access to energy poles and electricity.
How will the noise camera trial reduce hooning?
  • The trial will focus on if noise camera technology can appropriately identify noisy vehicles.

  • A final review of the trial may also consider observations of behaviour change.

Will fines be issued from the noise cameras? How does it work?
  • No, the trial will not result in fines but will instead determine if the noise camera technology is fit-for-purpose to identify noisy vehicles.
  • If the trial is successful, some legislative changes may be required to allow the use of noise camera technology to be used for a range of regulatory responses.

More information

Report noisy vehicle pollution through:

By reporting vehicle details, the EPA can locate, communicate and regulate the owner of a vehicle, ensuring compliance with relevant legislation.