eConnect online radiation user licence applications and renewals

Apply for a radiation user licence, renew a radiation user licence or change your details online with eConnect.

Are you a worker from interstate? From 1 December 2022, if you hold a valid and current radiation user licence in another state or territory (besides Queensland), you may be entitled to work in NSW under automatic mutual recognition (AMR). If eligible for AMR, you may no longer need to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation user licence but will need to notify the EPA of your intention to work in NSW.

Find out more about automatic mutual recognition and if you are eligible.

Apply for a Radiation User Licence

To complete an application you will need the following

  • your personal details, full name, address and contact information.
  • contact person details, if the contact is to be someone other than the applicant.
  • the licence condition(s) you wish to apply for Information on condition criteria can be found on the Licensing criteria page.
  • details of any relevant qualifications or professional memberships or affiliations, including certified electronic copies of these documents.
  • if applying for a licence under the mutual recognition scheme, you must supply an electronic copy of your current interstate licence and the relevant statutory declaration (PDF 55KB).
  • details of any sources you require to use, including the activity of the source.
  • details of any apparatus you require to use.
  • information to allow you to complete the fit and proper person declaration
  • your payment details. The fastest and easiest way for an application to be processed is by credit card, which includes a surcharge of 0.4%.

Apply for a radiation user licence

Renew a Radiation User Licence

Licence renewals can be made online up to 60 days after the expiry of an existing radiation user licence using eConnect EPA.

You will need

  • your licence number, licence expiry date and renewal code, which will all have been sent to you with your renewal notice
  • your email details
  • information to allow you to complete the fit and proper person declaration
  • payment information

If your email address does not match the one attached to your licence in our licensing system you must contact the EPA to confirm your new email address.

If you need to change or vary your licence you will need to do this before renewing your licence.

Renew your Radiation user licence

Change contact details

eConnect allows you to change your details including your address, phone number and email. You will be asked to provide your name and email address to register with eConnect in order to change your details. If your email address does not match the one attached to your licence in our licensing system you must contact the EPA to confirm your new email address. 

Change your contact details

Change or vary a licence

eConnect can be used to change information such as the name on your licence, a condition of licence e.g. add the GE1 condition (general approval to exempt from licensing) or change apparatus or radioactive substance information. If your email address does not match the one attached to your licence in our licensing system you must contact the EPA to confirm your new email address.

Change or vary a licence

More information

When using eConnect only use browsers Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Google Chrome.

If you experience any issues with your application or using eConnect EPA please contact us at [email protected] or on 02 9995 5700.

Information relating to radiation user licences is available on the radiation user licences page.