Final notice issued to Newcrest Cadia mine

29 May 2023
Air Mines EPA

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued Newcrest’s Cadia Holdings Pty Ltd mine in Central West NSW a final pollution Prevention Notice regarding the management of emissions of dust and other air pollutants.

NSW EPA Chief Executive Officer, Tony Chappel said finalising this notice is an important step in requiring the mine to demonstrate compliance and will inform further actions that may be needed.

“We will continue to utilise all necessary regulatory tools over the coming weeks until we are confident the mine is taking all necessary steps to meet their obligations and minimise their impact on the community.” Mr Chappel said.  

“Cadia must now provide robust information and evidence about what’s being discharged at and from the site.

“As the mine completes additional testing of the main vent, we’ll be interrogating this data, along with findings from lead isotope testing to help ensure the community and the EPA have a clear picture.”

These requirements are part of a larger suite of activities to reduce emissions at and from the site, as the EPA considers additional changes to the mine’s Environment Protection Licence.

Over the coming weeks, the EPA in consultation with the community, will implement a dust monitoring program, involving the deployment of a smart sensing network, and opportunities for rainwater tank testing. This is in addition to the mine expanding the ambient air sampling network.

“We’re planning another community drop-in session and encourage everyone to come along so we can continue to understand any concerns and discuss the monitoring programs,” Mr Chappel said.

“The bottom line is, all mining operations have mandatory legal obligations regarding air emissions – these exist to protect the community and the environment.

“We need to see a significant reduction in dust emissions produced at Cadia Valley Operations and we will continue to do what’s necessary to ensure residents are confident they are able to breathe clean air.”

Information about the community drop-in session, broader dust monitoring program and rainwater tank testing will be published on the EPA’s website.

Following Cadia’s response to the draft notice issued on Friday, 19 May 2023​ minor amendments have been made. These include:

  • Removal of a requirement for Cadia to undertake sampling of vent shaft VR8 as this has now been completed by the mine voluntarily
  • Clarification that the requirement to provide a review of operations is focussed on improving air emissions