Snowy Hydro Scheme contractor WeBuild fined

18 August 2023
Water Fine EPA

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has issued a $15,000 fine to Snowy Hydro Limited contractor WeBuild S.P.A. in relation to its operations in Kosciuszko National Park.

The EPA alleges a pump at the Snowy 2.0 construction site was left unattended by WeBuild, resulting in around 9000 litres of sediment-laden water entering the Yarrangobilly River.

The Yarrangobilly River is home to a population of endangered Boorolong frog (Litoria booroolongensis).

NSW EPA Acting Executive Director Operations Steve Orr said the community expects all licensees and contractors to act responsibly and prevent pollution of waters.

“The state’s environment laws have strict requirements in place to protect delicate ecosystems and waterways from pollution,” Mr Orr said.

“The community expects all licensees to operate and maintain their equipment in such a manner to prevent pollution incidents.

“The environment around these local waterways in the Kosciuszko National Park contain highly specialised plants, animals and micro-organisms and is home to a number of endangered species including the Booroolong Frog.”

In April 2023, both Snowy Hydro Limited and WeBuild were fined over two alleged pollution incidents in the Kosciuszko National Park, where the EPA alleged inadequate sediment and erosion controls were established, despite warnings by EPA officers.

Snowy Hydro Limited has not received a penalty notice in connection with this latest incident and is aware of the EPA’s regulatory action taken against WeBuild.

The EPA encourages the community to report potential water pollution incidents to the Environment Line on 131 555.

For more information about the EPA’s regulatory tools and strategy, see the EPA website: