Gas capture system installed to prevent odour
A new landfill gas capture system installed at Bellettes Landfill last week is expected to significantly reduce odours that have been impacting the Tumut community.
Since June this year, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has been working with the landfill’s operators to respond to reports of hydrogen sulphide/rotten egg odours and has now overseen the installation of the new system which will capture emissions and burn them with a flare.
NSW EPA Executive Director Operations Steve Orr said the system is now in operation and the EPA will continue monitoring odours.
“When the odours were first reported the EPA required Bellete’s Landiflll’s owners to put in place several mitigation measures, including restricting the volume and types of waste that could be accepted, covering waste and pumping out and treating leachate,” Mr Orr said.
“This new gas capture system will work in coordination with those measures and actively capture odours before they can form and spread off site.
“Residents should not be alarmed if they see flames on the site and can be reassured that this is a normal part of the gas capture and flaring system.
“We will continue to monitor the site to ensure all the mitigation measures are working effectively and whether any other control measures may be required.”
Mr Orr thanked the community for their patience while the odour was identified, and measures put in place to counter their impact.
“Hydrogen sulphide has a distinct smell and even low concentrations can be detected,” Mr Orr said.
“In addition to daily inspections at the site, the EPA currently has 10 gas monitors installed throughout the community. The results from this gas monitoring are publicly available on the EPA’s website.
“We will continue to work with Snowy Valleys Council and other NSW Government agencies to ensure these smells are removed and that all works at the landfill are progressing on schedule.”
Further information about Hydrogen Sulphide can be found on the EPA website at: Odour investigations
You can learn more about Tumut odours and monitor results on the EPA website.
If you have any queries about the investigation, please contact the 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555 or email [email protected].