Removal works on all Macquarie River rafts to begin soon

15 March 2024
Water EPA

Work on removing human-made debris from all seven Macquarie River rafts between the Warren (Top) Weir and Marebone Weir, and the shoreline, will begin next month on 8 April.

The scope of works has been expanded from the two rafts originally proposed for partial removal last year to include removal of human-made debris from the river between the Warren (Top) Weir and the Marebone Weir. Identifiable woody weed debris, like willow, will also be removed from rafts.

This work has been informed by other government agencies and feedback from the community and landowners including at two community drop-in sessions.

Environmental Services Functional Area Coordinator, Steve Beaman said there will be a community drop-in session on 26 March 2024 to discuss the work being undertaken.

"We now have a contractor engaged and ready to start flood recovery clean-up works in the Macquarie River, which is expected to take four to six weeks," Mr Beaman said.  

"The contractor will remove human-made debris from the river between the two weirs as well as removing identifiable woody weed debris like willow from the rafts. Native woody debris that is impacting on access for the removal of other debris will be tethered to the riverbank to assist with bank stabilisation and preserving aquatic habitats.

"The extent of the works will help water flow and quality, as well as the overall health of the river.

"We will be monitoring water flow, quality and bank erosion throughout the duration of the works, with safety to workers and the environment our biggest priority."

We will continue to update the community throughout the execution of these works and on the monitoring program. More information is available on the EPA website.

A community drop-in session will be held in Warren on 26 March 2024 from 10:30am -12:30pm at the Window on the Wetlands Centre.