Dealing with flood mud

Flood mud is sediment or sand which has been deposited by flood waters and remains on land once the flood waters have receded.

Flood mud/soil can be used on properties with the landowners consent.

There is the potential for flood mud to be contaminated.  The EPA recommends a visual inspection of the material should be undertaken, if flood mud has an unpleasant odour, appears to be impacted by chemicals (discolouration or oil sheen) or has asbestos fragments it should not be used on land or returned to the river. For flood muds that have an unpleasant odour, discolouration or asbestos contamination, the EPA recommends that this material be sent to licensed landfill.

For residential properties, flood mud that is deposited on lawns or gardens can be left in situ. Flood mud that is present on hard surfaces can be washed into lawn or garden areas. If vegetable gardens have been impacted by the floodwaters, NSW Health advise that garden produce should be disinfected, peeled and cooked.