How we regulate
We apply the elements of our framework as needed and appropriate to each specific situation, using a series of tools and actions to give us the best outcome.
Explore the elements of our regulatory framework
We listen and actively engage with the community and people to understand their concerns and their ideas for addressing the issues. We listen to our voiceless environment.
We educate community, industry and government about environmental issues.
We enable the people of NSW – we inform the community about what we do and how we do it.
We act to investigate and collaborate to solve problems.
We influence people, businesses, government, research and science to make changes for better environmental outcomes.
We require compliance with obligations under environmental legislation.
We monitor the state of the environment and monitor compliance against legal obligations and intervene when we need to. We investigate environmental issues and non-compliance.
We act as stewards by taking appropriate action, using our powers to compel people and businesses to address or remedy harm and comply with legislation when needed.
Case studies
See some case studies of how we have used the elements of our Regulatory Framework to tackle a challenging issue.