Our regulatory framework: Enable

We enable the people of NSW – we inform the community about what we do and how we do it. We assist the community, businesses, co-regulators and we partner with industry and government to protect, restore and enhance the environment.

We can better protect the environment by enabling communities to meet their legal obligations, improve their environmental performance and protect, restore and enhance the environment.

We assist people to understand what they need to do to help protect the environment and human health and why that is important for the people of NSW, now and in the future.

For example:

  • We assist people, industry, organisations and government to understand what they need to do to protect, restore and enhance the environment.
  • We enable the protection or restoration of the environment through grants.
  • We support the regulated community and co-regulators through capacity building and training.
  • We assist the regulated community to improve compliance, particularly with requirements that are new or are not well understood.
  • We share data and information with the community, our co-regulators, government and research organisations to support activities that protect the environment and human health.
  • We provide feedback to the regulated community to help them improve their environmental performance.

Examples of how we enable