Our regulatory framework: Listen

We listen and actively engage with the community and people to understand their concerns and their ideas for addressing the issues.

We listen to the needs of the people of NSW, as well as our voiceless environment.

We actively engage with our stakeholders to understand your concerns and act on what we hear so we can achieve better environmental and human health outcomes, both for now and in the future.

We respond to feedback provided to us.

For example:

  • We listen to the views of local communities about local issues. We help communities engage with their industrial neighbours, key stakeholders and us on these issues through coordinating community groups.
  • We recognise the importance of listening to and working with Aboriginal communities and organisations on environmental issues that matter to them and giving them a genuine voice in decision- making in response to issues.
  • We listen to interest groups discussing the environmental issues they are passionate about.
  • We regularly seek the views of the community, industry and government through the EPA stakeholder survey, roadshows and other engagement activities, including during the legislative reform process.
  • We partner with others to increase our knowledge, strengthen our insights, expand our reach and create environmental solutions needed for today and the future.
  • We partner with others to listen to our youth and promote awareness of environmental protection when they start their employment, trades and businesses.

Examples of how we listen