Flood Contaminated Lands Assessment Program (Northern Rivers)

This program provides you with a free soil assessment for properties that may be contaminated as a result of floods.

The program was only for the Northern Rivers area of NSW. For flood related programs in other areas please visit Service NSW Emergencies and disasters.

If you were concerned that the soil on your property may have become contaminated as a result of the floods, you could opt-in to this program. It provided you with a free assessment report, including remediation recommendations (where identified as being needed), undertaken by a suitably qualified land contamination expert engaged by the EPA. The program focused on risks to public health and the environment and in some cases covered clean-up/remediation costs.

The program was jointly funded by the State and Commonwealth Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Contact us

Recovery and Resilience Programs Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 131 555