Girraween vegetation dieback incident

Dangerous Tree Management Program

On 23 November 2011, NSW Minister for the Environment, Robyn Parker, announced that the government has authorised funding of up to $200,000 from the Environment Trust - Emergency Clean Up and Orphan Waste fund to assist in the removal a number of large and dangerous trees affected by a suspected herbicide incident.

As the investigation into the incident is very complex and a number of the trees are a potential risk to the residents, a program has been established to assist with the removal of a number of dangerous trees.

The program is being managed by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Holroyd City Council and will involve the assessment of a number of trees and the provision of funds to assist with the costs of trimming, or removal and disposal of dangerous trees affected by the herbicide.

The program's objective is to manage trees that are greater than 3.6 metres and are assessed by the Holroyd City Council/ EPA engaged arborist as being dangerous, as they are posing a serious risk of falling, or have limbs falling on a residential house or residents. 

To be eligible for assistance the affected trees need to meet the following criteria:

  • The affected tree(s) must be on a residential or not for profit organisation property within the herbicide affected area determined by EPA; this map (PDF 174KB) shows the affected area.
  • Trees and shrubs must be taller than 3.6 metres in height.
  • The tree(s) must be assessed by a Holroyd City Council appointed arborist, and declared as a safety risk to a residential house or residents by the arborist.
  • The trimming or removal of the affected tree(s) must be approved by Holroyd City Council and removed by a contractor approved by Holroyd City Council
  • Affected tree material must be disposed of at an EPA approved waste disposal facility.
  • The program will only reimburse the costs of tree trimming or tree removal agreed to in an approval letter provided by Holroyd City Council.
  • The program will not reimburse the costs of trees that have already been removed.

If you believe that a tree on your property meets the above criteria please contact the Environment Protection Authority’s Environment Line during office hours on 131 555.

The process:

  1. The EPA and Holroyd City Council will assess the information you have provided.
  2. If your tree(s) meet the above criteria, an approved arborist will be engaged to undertake an assessment to determine if the tree is considered dangerous, and what actions will be required to make the tree safe. These actions could include branch trimming or tree removal.
  3. The EPA and Holroyd City Council will assess the arborists report and if approved will provide a letter to the resident advising that funding assistance will be provided up to a determined level.
  4. Once written approval has been provided, the resident can engage a tree lopping contractor to undertake the tree trimming or tree removal. Once completed the resident will submit the tax invoice and waste disposal receipts to Holroyd City Council.
  5. The receipts will be reviewed and if appropriate, reimbursement of the expenses will be made within 30 days by the EPA.

Note:​ the decisions by the EPA and Holroyd City Council in relation to funding assistance will be final.