Reporting pollution
In most cases, concerns about pollution should be referred to the source or person causing the problem. The contact telephone numbers on this page should be used when an approach to the person causing the problem has not been or is unlikely to be successful.
Duty to report incidents that cause or threaten material harm to the environment
Pollution incidents that cause or threaten material harm to the environment must be notified to each of the following authorities:
- the appropriate regulatory authority (ARA)
- the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) if they are not the ARA
- the Ministry of Health
- SafeWork NSW (formerly WorkCover)
- the local authority, e.g. the local council, if this is not the ARA
- Fire and Rescue NSW.
The notification protocol provides guidance and contact numbers to assist in notifying these pollution incidents.
For more information on who is under a duty to report, when the duty to report applies and who needs to be notified, see Duty to notify pollution incidents.
Incidents that do not cause or threaten material harm to the environment
If you are aware of an incident that does not pose a risk of material harm to the environment, you can report that incident to the organisation responsible for regulating pollution from that activity. To find out which organisation is responsible for the incident, please follow the relevant link below:
Environment Line
To report any of the types of pollution for which the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has regulatory responsibility, phone 131 555 (local call cost throughout NSW except from mobile phones), or (02) 9995 5555 (if calling from outside NSW).
The EPA treats as confidential the details of any informer who provides information in relation to the enforcement or administration of the environmental laws. With permission, details may be given to the local council or other regulatory authority if the incident reported is within their jurisdiction.
If adequate resources are not available to contain material released in a pollution incident and it threatens public health, property or the environment, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Police and the NSW Ambulance Service should be contacted for emergency assistance - phone 000. See also:
Further information
For further information, contact your local EPA office.