Contacts for waste and litter pollution

Where the depositing of waste causes or threatens material harm to the environment, a number of authorities must be notified - see duty to notify.

Members of the public wishing to report or inquire about waste or litter pollution should contact the organisation responsible for its regulation, as set out below.

Pollution type or sourceOrganisation responsibleContact
Fertilisers, pesticides, herbicidesEPA131 555
Dumped cars

Local councils

Police Assistance Line 

Find your local council

131 444

Grease, oil and odours on beachesEPA131 555
Contaminated sitesEPA131 555
Aviation fuel dumpingAir Services Australia1800 802 584  
Odour from landfill or waste depotEPA131 555
Rubbish and litter  
Littering from vehiclesEPAReport using Report to EPA.
Litter falling or blown from uncovered vehicle loadEPAReport using Report to EPA.
Roadside rubbish on major roads and highwaysRoads & Maritime Services 131 700
Roadside rubbish on local roadsLocal councilsFind your local council
Prohibited plastics  
Supplying prohibited plasticsEPAReport using Report to EPA.
Illegal dumping  
Illegal dumping of wasteEPA

Report using Report to EPA.

Phone environment line on 131 555

 Local councilsFind your local council
 Local police131 444
View a list of local police stations
 Crimestoppers1800 333 000
Online form
Illegal dumping in National and State Parks, historic sites and nature reservesEPA131 555
Illegal dumping in council parks

Local councils


Park trustee

Find your local council
Illegal dumping on vacant Crown landEPA131 555
Illegal dumping on beachesLocal councilsFind your local council
Illegal dumping in state forestsEPA131 555
Illegal dumping on private propertyLocal councilsFind your local council