Contacts for water pollution

For information on Sydney beach water quality, visit the Beachwatch website or phone 1800 036 677.

Where water pollution causes or threatens material harm to the environment, a number of authorities must be notified - see duty to notify.

Members of the public wishing to report or inquire about water pollution should contact the organisation responsible for its regulation, as set out below.

Pollution type or source

Organisation responsible


Oil spillage in ports

Port Kembla Port Authority of NSW (02) 4275 0197
Newcastle Port (24 hours) Port Authority of NSW
(02) 4929 3890
Sydney Harbour or Botany Bay Port Authority of NSW (02) 9296 4999

Oil spill in estuaries and inland waters

Fire and Rescue NSW


Discharge from vessels

NSW Maritime

131 256

Other pollution of beaches, estuaries, tidal lakes, rivers, creeks, streams and lakes

Local councils

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

View a list of NSW councils

131 555

NSW ocean waters beyond 3 nautical mile limit

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

1800 641 792

Drinking water concerns

Sydney and Wollongong

Sydney Water

132 090 (24 hours)

Newcastle and Lower Hunter

Hunter Water Corporation

1300 657 000 (24 hours)

Broken Hill

Broken Hill Water Board

(08) 8082 5841 (24 hours)

Elsewhere in NSW

Local councils

View a list of NSW councils 

Pollution in drinking water catchments


131 555

Other water pollution

Stormwater drains and channels

Local councils

Sydney Water


View a list of NSW councils 


132 090 (24 hours)

131 555

Sewer overflows

Sydney Water

132 090 (24 hours)

Fish kills


131 555 (24 hours)

Algal blooms (marine and freshwater)


131 555 (24 hours)

Water pollution from a premises for which an environment protection licence is held (you can check whether a premises is licensed through the public register)


131 555

Water pollution from a premises operated by private industry and for which there is no environment protection licence

Local councils

View a list of NSW councils 
Air conditioner condensate discharge  Local councils  View a list of NSW councils
Activities carried on by public authorities  EPA  131 555 (24 hours) 
Kosciuszko National Park  OEH  131 555 (24 hours)