Content page
14 Jul 2021
Tracking waste out of NSW or overseas
There are different regulations for tracking waste out of NSW or overseas than for tracking waste within NSW.

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14 Jul 2021
Industry responsibilities when waste tracking
Waste producers or their authorised agents, waste transporters and receiving facilities each have their own responsibilities for tracking hazardous waste.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Waste producers’ tracking responsibilities
Waste producers are businesses such as construction companies and manufacturing industries that generate and dispose of waste. They are responsible for ensuring that hazardous waste is characterised, transported and tracked in accordance with Part 4 of the POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014.

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14 Jul 2021
Authorised agents’ tracking responsibilities
Authorised agents are waste transporters or receiving facilities approved by the EPA to consign waste on behalf of a waste producer. Authorised agents are responsible for ensuring that hazardous waste is tracked and received in accordance with Part 4 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Tracking liquid waste
Waste facilities transporting and receiving hazardous liquid waste must record its movement using EPA’s online waste tracking system. Waste facilities receiving trackable liquid waste must also pay the liquid waste levy, which is imposed to reduce liquid waste and encourage its recovery rather than disposal.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Applying to use the online waste tracking system
The EPA’s online waste tracking system makes it easier and quicker to transport and track hazardous waste. Once you have determined your level of access, you can complete the application form and gain a user name and password.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Upload and download
Receiving facilities with their own tracking systems that meet the EPA’s stringent requirements can upload transport certificate (TC) data from the online waste tracking system (OWT).