Rural and regional waste transfer stations: Handbook
Waste transfer stations are important links in a community's total waste management system. A handbook is available to help councils understand the challenges, opportunities and unique issues of operating waste transfer stations.

Strategic waste action plan tool
The EPA works with local governments to make it easier for householders and businesses to reduce waste and recycle more. The Local Government Strategic Waste Action Plan (LGSWAP) Tool helps councils collect and analyse waste data, evaluate their waste action plans and make progress toward the NSW Government's waste diversion targets.

Full cost of landfill - calculator
The EPA supports local councils to establish best-practice waste and recycling systems, to empower local communities to reduce waste to landfill. The Full Cost of Landfill Calculator aims to help local councils determine the real cost of sending waste to landfill.

Waste facilities

Landfill sites

Land pollution defence for unlicensed landfills

Waste reporting
Waste facilities in NSW are required by law to submit various reports to the EPA.