Content page
14 Jul 2021
Organics processing facilities
Processing organics on a commercial scale increases the community's ability to recover and conserve resources and reduces the quantity of organics going to landfills. Recycled organics applied to land can provide multiple benefits to soil health and crop growth, including improved soil structure, improved water retention and higher yields.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Selling recycled organics products
As we divert more food and garden organics from landfill in NSW, it is important to make best possible use of the recycled product as a valuable commodity. The EPA is investing in the development of strong, viable, sustainable markets for recycled organics, including support for producers, and compliance programs to assure organics product quality and safety.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Recycled organics publications
Publications about developing markets for recycled organics products, applications for organics, and other related organics research.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Community Service Exemption from the waste levy
The Community Service Exemption (CSE) provides charitable or not-for-profit organisations with an exemption from the NSW waste levy for eligible waste collected or received through community services or activities.

Content page
14 Jul 2021
Managing industrial waste
Certain wastes have properties that make them hazardous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. As well as the general regulatory requirements relating to waste, additional regulatory requirements may apply. The EPA enforces these rules to protect our air, waterways, land and the health of the community for the future.