How the EPA reached its position following years of research
A major research program to assess the benefits and risks of applying the material to land was commissioned by the NSW Government to inform the EPA position.

Alternative Waste Technology transition package
Consultation on the Phase 2 Alternative Waste Technology transition package was completed in March 2020 with the announcement that the NSW Government will provide $24 million in funding to support local councils and the alternative waste industry to improve kerbside separation of food and garden waste and encourage other better uses of waste.

Applying compost and biosolids to land is allowed
The research findings and regulatory changes apply to Mixed Waste Organic Outputs (MWOO) produced by processing mixed waste from red-lid bins only, not the source-separated food organics and garden organics from green-lid bins that is used to produce compost.

Background information
In 2010 the EPA set out Resource Recovery Orders and Resource Recovery Exemptions that included restrictions on the processing and distribution of Mixed Waste Organic Outputs (MWOO), and prohibited it’s use in urban and domestic situations.

Business waste and recycling research

Using recycled materials for pavements, earthworks and drainage
Using recovered concrete, brick and asphalt materials for the construction of pavements, earthworks and drainage has several advantages, including potential cost savings and conserving natural resources.

Glass fines
While large quantities of glass are recovered for recycling, the collection and sorting process generates crushed grass (glass fines) unsuitable for re-manufacture into glass containers.

Expanded polystyrene