AWT Research and Development Grant - alternative uses for general waste
Program snapshot
Amounts: Total of $2.51 million; individual grants from $25,000 to $500,000
Eligible bodies: Owners and operators of alternative waste treatment (AWT) facilities in NSW
Contact: [email protected]
Status: Round 2 closed 28 February 2022
Managed by: NSW Environment Protection Authority
The aim of this grant is to help eligible AWT owners and operators undertake research and development of alternative end products and markets for general waste, processed in eligible AWT facilities. It seeks to accelerate or enhance existing and support new research and development activities.
The grant aims to:
- support sustainable resource recovery of general waste in NSW, in line with Government policy including the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 the NSW Circular Economy Policy Statement: Too Good To Waste, the NSW Waste Hierarchy and the Net Zero Plan
- encourage innovation, including the discovery and development of long-term solutions that divert general waste away from landfill, and increase resource recovery rates
- support the development of solutions that will be environmentally, socially and economically beneficial.
The objectives of the grant are to deliver funding for:
- project activities that explore options to improve resource recovery outcomes; and/or
- development of commercially viable options that are consistent with the aims of the grant.
Eligible AWT facilities
Eligible NSW AWT facilities are those listed in the Government Gazette of NSW, Number 114 dated Friday, 2 November 2018:
- Biomass Solutions - Englands Road, Coffs Harbour
- Suez Recycling and Recovery - Elizabeth Drive, Kemps Creek
- Suez Recycling and Recovery – Newline Road, Raymond Terrace
- Veolia Environmental Services – Collector Road, Tarago
- Eastern Creek Operations – Wallgrove Road, Eastern Creek.
Eligible organisations
Organisations eligible to apply are the owners (including part owners) and/or operators of eligible AWT facilities in NSW:
- the operators of eligible AWT facilities
- the owners (including part owners) of eligible AWT facilities.
How to apply
This grant is currently closed, documents are for information only.
More information
For more information contact the Local Government team at [email protected]
Previous recipients
Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd
Raymond Terrace ARRT FOGO conversion feasibility study - $43,875
Veolia will undertake a detailed feasibility study into converting its current Raymond Terrace Advanced Resource Recovery Treatment facility (formerly operated by SUEZ) to process source separated food and garden organics (FOGO) instead of residual municipal solid waste, including feedstock analysis, capital and operating costs, minimum tonnes required for viability and assessment of product end markets.
Global Renewables Eastern Creek Pty Ltd
MWOO in Bricks Research and Development Project - $183,482
The objective of this project is to complete research to inform regulatory approvals to permit the use of mixed waste organic output (MWOO) from the GRL Eastern Creek facility in the production of bricks in Austral’s kiln in Horsley Park. This will require the completion of the necessary research and submissions to the EPA to allow the use of tailored products derived from mixed waste for use in bricks.
SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Pty Ltd
Life cycle assessment: The life cycle impact and carbon footprint of waste collection/processing options - $34,850
The objective of this project is to gain a detailed understanding of the Life Cycle Impact and greenhouse gas footprint (CO2) of processing domestic waste from Port Stephens Council Local Government Area at the SUEZ Raymond Terrace Advanced Resource Recovery Technology facility, over the waste processing life cycle by modelling the waste flows from collection, transport, processing and off-take and the disposal of residuals.
SUEZ Advanced Waste Treatment Facility
Trial of bespoke organics turner – $222,566
The objective of this project is to scale up the prototype equipment developed by SUEZ for turning and aerating organic material separated from mixed general waste at the Suez Advanced Waste Treatment facility. The organics tunnel turner will aid in achieving consistency in moisture levels, oxygen levels and temperature, leading to improved quality and consistency of the organic material coming out of the aeration tunnels. This will enable a higher quality organic rich end product to be produced by the refining equipment.
Trial of organic rich material in brick manufacture – $152,000
The objective of this project is to trial the use of organic rich material from the Suez Advanced Waste Treatment facility as a substitute for virgin clay/shale in brick manufacture, to gather data on the suitability of this product for use in brick manufacturing.
Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd
Beneficial reuse of Woodlawn organic output for sulfidic tailings rehabilitation – $499,558
The objective of the project is to commercialise new markets for general waste. It aims to utilise the end product of general waste beneficiated through the Woodlawn AWT facility as a direct replacement for virgin excavated natural materials and commercial mine rehabilitation products.
Global Renewables Eastern Creek Pty Ltd
GRL FOGO feasibility (Food Organics and Garden Organics) – $140,000
The objective of this project is to conduct a pre-feasibility study into GRL’s ability to process source separated FOGO waste. The intention is to understand the feasibility of introducing FOGO processing into the existing AWT facility which will allow the recovery of organics to be recycled.

AWT Research and Development Grant - Alternative Uses for General Waste AWT Research and Development Grant - Alternative Uses for General Waste