Aboriginal Lands bushfire recovery funding

Program snapshot

Category: Bushfire Recovery Programs

Amounts: The program offered funding to assist and support bushfire-impacted Aboriginal communities to clean-up and dispose of bushfire waste and install deterrence infrastructure (fencing, gates, bollards and signage) to prevent future illegal dumping on Aboriginal lands.

Eligible bodies: Eligible bodies were Local Aboriginal Land Councils and other Aboriginal land managers (Aboriginal Organisations or Corporations) conducting clean-up projects from the 2019-20 summer bushfires, which are not eligible for the initial government-funded bushfire clean-up program.  

Contact: Email [email protected]

Status: The program is completed.

Managed by: NSW Environment Protection Authority. This program was funded under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.


This initiative focused on supporting Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Aboriginal land managers with the clean-up of bushfire impacted lands and determine the impacts following the 2019–20 NSW bushfires. It aimed to improve data quality on the extent of bushfire impacts across NSW and will provide important baseline evidence of the lingering impact of the bushfires. The program covered: 

  • clean-up of bushfire-affected infrastructure such as cultural centres, cultural sites, sheds, fences, office buildings and signage.
  • removal and remediation of bushfire impacted contaminated lands.
  • removal of hazardous trees or green waste restricting access to sites.
  • clean-up and repair of access trails to aboriginal lands.
  • clean-up of illegally dumped bushfire and legacy waste.
  • installation of illegal dumping deterrence measures to restrict access to aboriginal lands (fences, bollards, physical rock barriers or signage). 

Grant rounds

Round 1

Nine Aboriginal communities participated in the round 1 program, with works completed in October 2021.

Stakeholder Local Government Area Spend to date

Baryulgil LALC

Clarence Valley Council



Bega Valley Shire Council


Jerringa LALC

Shoalhaven City Council


Malabugilmah LALC

Clarence Valley Council


Merrimans LALC

Bega Valley Shire Council



Eurobodalla Shire Council


Nowra LALC

Shoalhaven City Council


Tamworth LALC (Wattle Ridge IPA)

Tamworth Shire Council


Wanaruah LALC

Singleton Regional Council $72,000

Round 2

​14 Aboriginal communities participated in the round 2 program, with works completed in 2022. 

Stakeholder Local Government Area Spend to date
Bathurst/Wiradjuri Aboriginal Corporation
Lithgow City Council

Biraban LALC

Lake Macquarie City Council


Birrigan Gargle LALC

Clarence Valley Council


Bodalla LALC

Eurobodalla Shire Council


Bowraville LALC

Nambucca Valley Council


Cobowra LALC

Eurobodalla Shire Council


Forster LALC

MidCoast Council


Grafton Ngerrie LALC

Clarence Valley Council


Illaroo Farm (Mia Mia) LALC

Shoalhaven City Council


Jubulllum LALC   $458,000

Merrimans LALC

Bega Valley Shire Council


Purfleet/Taree LALC

MidCoast Council


Thunggutti LALC

Kempsey Shire Council


Wagonga LALC

Eurobodalla Shire Council
