Bin Trim Networks Program

Bin Trim is the largest business recycling program of its type in Australia, engaging with more than 38,000 businesses between 2014 and 2022, and diverting over 260,000 tonnes of waste from landfill.

The Bin Trim Networks Program is designed to establish or enhance business circular economy networks where member businesses have commonalities relating to location, supply chain, industry sector or specific waste materials. Projects feature an emphasis on waste avoidance and stimulating the circular economy. They support solutions that are financially viable, mutually beneficial and increase efficiency.

Grant funds will support network facilitators to manage the network and support collaboration, capacity building and information sharing. Bin Trim waste assessments for businesses within the network will also be funded and these will be conducted by trained assessors using the Bin Trim app.

Businesses interested in joining a Bin Trim Networks project should contact the Business Unit at [email protected] to find out if there is a project available for their business type and location.

Applications for the Bin Trim Networks Program closed on 24 March 2023. $6 million of grant funding was awarded for 14 projects which will support around 4,000 businesses to reduce waste by 35,000 tonnes per year.

Program snapshot

Category:​ Business Program

Amounts:​ Up to $6 million in total, for grants of $150,000-$500,000

Eligible organisations:​ Australian business entities or partnerships, government agencies, councils, groups of councils, industry, consultancies, and not-for-profit organisations

Contact​: Phone 131 555 or (02) 9995 5555 from outside NSW or email [email protected]

Status: ​ Closed

Managed by: ​NSW Environment Protection Authority


The Bin Trim Networks Program aims to:

  • establish or enhance business circular economy networks where member businesses have commonalities relating to location, supply chain, sector or waste types
  • identify and implement opportunities to reduce waste, increase recycling and adopt circular economy solutions across the networks
  • build the capacity of individuals and businesses to transition to a circular economy
  • support businesses to apply for Equipment Rebates


Read the Program guidelines (PDF 500KB).


Bin Trim Networks Program awarded $6 million to 14 projects.


Grant amount

Project title


Albury City Council


Commercial Food Recovery Networks in Southern NSW

Redistributing and recovering commercial food waste from regional and isolated Small and Medium Enterprises in Southern NSW.

Canberra Region Joint Organisation


Canberra Region Joint Organisation Bin Trim Network Program

Working with businesses in the Canberra Region to improve their business processes towards a more circular use of resources and materials, focusing on food waste and organics, plastics and textiles.

Cleanaway Pty Ltd


Greater Hunter/Northern Central Coast Packaged Organics

Working with Loop Organics, the project will see a de-packaging unit installed in the region and build a network of businesses focused on diverting packaged food organics from landfill and using the compost locally.

Cool Planet Energy Pty Ltd


Reducing waste and increasing sustainability and sustainability focused education in NSW based Childcare Centres

Eliminating food waste from early childhood centres throughout NSW through education and composting solutions, implementing targeted solutions, and establishing circular-economy networks with families.

Energy Conservation Focus Pty Ltd


Better Organics Network

Delivering sustainable solutions to organic waste generators across the retail, hospitality, corporate and manufacturing sectors to improve the way NSW businesses manage organic waste.

Edge Environment Pty Ltd


Restaurants & Catering Association Networks: Circular Economy & Organics Diversion Activation

In partnership with the Restaurants & Catering Association Australia this project will design and deliver a comprehensive waste avoidance and material diversion strategy focusing on organic waste from the hospitality sector.

Ethnic Communities Council of NSW


CALD Communities Social Enterprises move towards a Circular Economy

Providing tools, resources, and guidance to culturally and linguistically diverse social enterprises including early learning centres and ethnic religious incorporated associations.

From Now On Pty Ltd


Delivering a Circular Economy through Waste Avoidance

Changing business and community behaviour through targeted education of food service and hospitality businesses in Sydney and Regional NSW, prioritising waste avoidance and embracing the implementation of circular economy solutions.

Hunter Joint Organisation


Hunter Hospitality Circularity Network

Working in precincts across six local government areas in the Hunter region to take a place-based approach to strengthening and building hospitality networks, building their capacity to evaluate and adopt circular solutions for their operations and supply chains

Metcash Trading Limited


Metcash Retail and Supply Chain Network - Circular Economy Activation

A circular economy and waste diversion strategy will be rolled out in 400 retail stores and distribution centres aiming to minimise the generation of food and organic waste, along with reducing excessive packaging and non-recyclable materials.

MRA Consulting Group


Circular Food Courts: Reusables and food waste avoidance

Through circular food court networks within shopping centres across Sydney, the project will assist SME’s with the adoption of feasible long-term waste avoidance and circularity principles targeting their key waste streams.

Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation


Developing circular networks that can scale up reuse/ resale/ remanufacturing opportunities in the RAMJO region.

Focussing on reuse, resale, repair and remanufacturing across a network of small and medium enterprises in the region by understanding material supply chains and creating a closed-loop system.

Revolve Recycling Pty Ltd


'Green Wheels' Network, Assessment and Accreditation Program

‘Green Wheels’ will minimise waste and stimulate a circular economy in the bike and Personal Transport Vehicle (PTV) sector, including an accreditation scheme for PTV retailers.

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils Inc


Circular Organics in the Eastern Riverina

Focussing on food waste from large hospitality businesses like pubs and clubs in four local government areas, this project will increase the viability of local organics processing and improve the quality of compost products for local use.

Bin Trim Round 4 (2020-2022)

Albury City Council
This project will introduce a commercial food organics collection service to the Albury area. This will support local businesses in the food and accommodation sectors to achieve improved sustainable waste management practices.

Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO)
This project aims to reduce commercial and industrial and construction and demolition waste being sent to from landfill. CRJO will provide educational programs to building and construction businesses and support to engage with councils relating to procurement of recovered materials and requirements for new building projects.

City of Parramatta Council
The project focuses on waste avoidance, reduction and minimisation. This will be achieved by improving attitudes towards product reuse and repair and focus on diversion of food organics, commercial office waste, and problematic single-use items.

Cleanaway Pty Ltd
Cleanaway aims to increase the amount of waste diverted from landfill my implementing the Bin Trim program. This will be aceived by contacting larger businesses than in previous rounds. Cleanaway will work with national customers that have multiple sites across NSW in mainly retail, education, health care and manufacturing businesses.

Cool Planet Energy Pty Ltd
This project aims to help businesses reduce waste and increase recycling by a minimum of 20%. Cool Planet will focus on the industrial, hospitality, office and accommodation sectors in the Northern Rivers area. These sectors have the greatest opportunities for recycling.

Edge Environment Pty Ltd
This project will focus on working with retail centres as local business hubs to generate communities of practice. This will be shared with customers for knowledge and skills that are transferable.

Energy Conservation
This project will reduce waste costs and maximise benefits from improved sustainability. Experienced assessors will work with property managers, shopping centres, retailers, hotels, manufacturers, distributors, and service providers and suggest practical options for business to benefit from better recycling.

Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW
This project will support Ethno-specific businesses to adopt sustainable waste management practices. This will be achieved with multilingual educators and assessors who will use existing relationships to build expectations through face to face approaches and translated materials and resources.

HunterNet Co-operative
This project aims to divert large quantities of waste from landfill, increase resource recovery rates and deliver cost savings to our clients. HunterNet will recruit businesses through the established business network, and extended network via Hunter Joint Organisation.

Mike Ritchie and Associates Pty Ltd
This project will enable businesses across most industry sectors in regional and metropolitan NSW to divert waste from landfill.

Mil-tek Waste Solutions Pty Ltd
Mil-tek aims to achieve 15% diversion from landfill within Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, the Central Coast, and Central West NSW. To be achieved by utilising existing contact lists acquired over 20 years of waste industry experience.

The project will increase waste recovery from retail operations by focusing on diversion of organic waste and investment in infrastructure. To be achieved by working with the Mirvac retail centre site teams and tenancies.

North East Waste  (Clarence Valley Council)
The Circulate Cafes project aims to reduce food waste going to landfill by 50%. This will be achieved by providing food waste solutions, avoidance education and capacity building across supply chains and businesses.

Opal Packaging Australia Pty Ltd*
Opal Packaging aims to encourage waste avoidance and improve recycling outcomes for their clients. Experienced assessment team will provide tailored action plans and guidance to implement changes that target paper and cardboard in retail, warehousing, manufacturing and small-to-medium enterprises sectors.
* Orora Recycling Australasia was taken over by Opal Recycling Australia

pitt&sherry (Pitt & Sherry Operations Pty Ltd)
pitt&sherry will redirect food waste to food and garden organic collections and provide a potential destination for salvagable food. This will be achieved through partnerships with regional businesses and partnerships with OzHarvest.

Queanbeyan Enterprise Centre Inc trading as Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre
SRBEC will deliver the project in the southern region of NSW to divert business waste from landfill focusing on significant waste streams, such as packaging and food waste from service, hospitality and health sectors.

Rana Environmental
The project aims to divert food waste from landfill. Customised waste assessments will be provided to hospitality, tourism, retail, manufacturing and education sectors.

Solo Resource Recovery
The project will targeting paper, cardboard, clear plastic and comingled waste streams in the Northern Rivers Region.

Sydney Waste Pty Ltd T/A Sydney Waste Services
Sydney Waste Services will support businesses to improve their waste management practices through the implementation of the Bin Trim program, including; assessents, action plans and support for rebates.

The Diverter
The Diverter will support businesses with actions to recycle, compost, reduce resource consumption, reuse materials and review unsustainable business processes. To be supported by new collection services and an excellent local network.

Waste Pro
WastePro will help industries to recycle plastics, pallets, organics and overflow paper and cardboard.  This includes working with fast food chains to recycle kitchen plastics such as milk bottles.

WildBlueGlobal Consulting
This project aims to divert wood, food and plastic from landfill by working with partners and customers to implement Bin Trim assessments and rebates. This project focuses on aged care, childcare and hospitality sectors in NSW.

Bin Trim Round 3 (2018-2020)

A total of $5,166,610 has been allocated to 16 Grantees.

City of Parramatta Council
Targeting a variety of businesses, Parramatta Council aims to increase recycling to support their target of diverting 85% of all waste in the LGA from landfill by 2038.

Strategically targeting businesses around NSW that have higher waste volumes, to achieve increased tonnages diverted from landfill.

Cool Planet Energy Pty Ltd
Targeting industrial, hospitality and accommodation sectors in regional NSW to divert organics and dry recyclable materials.

Eco Guardians Pty Ltd
Diverting food organics and dry recyclables from landfill by targeting up to 400 businesses in the Greater Sydney, Central Coast and Hunter region.

Edge Environment Pty Ltd
Working with a minimum of eight retail centres to target the diversion of over 3000t of waste from retail and food court tenants.

Energy Conservation
Assisting manufacturers, distributors, retailers and service providers to avoid, re-use or recycle over 4000 tonnes of waste currently going to landfill.

Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW
Focussing on ‘hard to reach’ CALD businesses in suburbs that are highly populated with ethnic background businesses, to divert over 990 tonnes from landfill.

HunterNet Co-operative Limited
Targeting manufacturing, hospitality, retail, hiring, real estate, professional, scientific and technical services in the Hunter and Central Coast regions to divert waste and reduce costs.

MRA Consulting Group
Using partnerships and networks to assist businesses across most industry sectors within the Sydney region to increase recycling by 20%, based on overall tonnes diverted.

Pitt & Sherry (formerly KMH)
Strategically targeting businesses in the Lake Macquarie area to divert dry recyclable and food organics to capitalise on the new organics facility at Awaba.

Queanbeyan Enterprise Centre (SRBEC)
Delivering assessments and support to up to 445 businesses across 13 LGAs in the southern region of NSW.  

Rana Environmental
Targeting tourism and hospitality businesses in the Illawarra Region and surrounding LGA’s with a focus on food waste diversion.

Shoalhaven City Council
Improving recycling and diverting waste generated by tourism, whilst building the capacity of businesses to adapt their waste systems in line with population growth.

The Diverter
Using partnerships to target over 490 existing commercial customers in the Northern Rivers region to divert over 2000 tonnes from landfill.

Waste Audit & Consultancy Services (Aust) Pty Ltd
Identifying opportunities for up to 500 shopping centre tenants, light industry and hospitality sector to increase type and quantity of materials diverted from landfill.

Wild Blue Global
Focussing on education and engagement through social platforms to change attitudes and behaviours to increase the avoidance and recycling of food waste.

Bin Trim Round 2 (2015-2017)

Albury City Council (with Corowa Council and Greater Hume Council)
Building on the success of Round 1 in the Albury region, Round 2 sees an expansion of Bin Trim activities into the Riverina and Murray regional areas.  Project partners will work closely with the Murray Hume Enterprise Centre to ensure long term engagement with small to medium sized businesses (SME) around waste in the future.

Better Business Partnership
(Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney, and Willoughby City Councils).
Better Business Partnership, a joint Council service, will deliver its new Waste Saver Service to an additional 300 local businesses in the Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney and Willoughby City Local Government Areas (LGAs).

Burwood Council
This project will build on the Burwood Council Small Business Program to support businesses to waste less and recycle more with a particular focus on food waste solutions.

City of Canada Bay
Expanding on Round 1, Canada Bay Council will work with childcare centres as well as businesses in major shopping centres, commercial and industrial precincts.

Utilising its existing state-wide network of customers, Cleanaway's Education and Sales teams will work together to target clients with high volume waste production and those interested in recycling services that require further assistance to identify appropriate solutions.Round 2 allocated a total of $6.87 million to 26 grant recipients.

Coffs Coast Waste Services (Handybin)
Partnering with Coffs Harbour City Council, Nambucca Shire Council and Bellingen Shire Council, businesses will be provided with support to increase commingled recycling and recover food waste, expanded polystyrene (EPS), soft plastics and wooden pallets.

Cool Planet Energy
Assisting businesses on the NSW north coast and in the NSW northern inland region to reduce their waste and increase recycling.

Edge Environment
Leveraging the support networks and facilities of Goodman, DEXUS property Group and Stockland to support SME across the northern beaches and industrial centres (mostly in Western Sydney) to effect real cultural changes in business recycling.

Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation are partnering with the Australian Retailers Association to reduce waste in retail businesses. Further support will be provided to other SMEs within office buildings, clubs, lighting suppliers, shopping and industrial precincts.

Ethnic Communities Council NSW
Building on Round 1 to provide bilingual support and waste expertise to culturally and linguistically diverse business owners and operators within South Sydney, South West Sydney, Inner West, North Sydney, North West Sydney and Western Sydney.

Eurobodalla Council
Engaging with businesses across Eurobodalla's main commercial sectors. With a particular focus on accommodation businesses and timber waste from tradespersons. This project will also promote Councils Community Resource Centre, e-waste, metals and cooking oil waste services for SMEs.

Supporting a network of manufacturing, engineering and specialist services companies located in the Hunter and Central Coast Regions of NSW to improve recycling.

Hurstville City Council
Targeting recycling in small to medium businesses in the Hurstville, Kogarah, Rockdale and Sutherland LGAs to maximise potential diversion of materials from landfill.

KMH Environmental
Partnering with ReSource Environmental and Colliers International to target SMEs which will include offices and cafes located in high rise buildings as well as mixed use facilities such as retail precincts.

MRA Consulting Group
Through experience from Round 1, MRA will target businesses with a view to maximising potential outcomes to divert waste from landfill across the Sydney Metropolitan Area.

North East Waste (NE Waste)
Utilising the experience gained in Round 1, NE Waste will implement a refined and targeted approach to assist businesses in the food services and retail sectors as well as holiday parks in their member regions in the far North Coast.

Queanbeyan Enterprise Centre Inc.
Reaching businesses in 18 Council areas in the Southern Region of NSW to divert waste from landfill, increase recycling and make businesses more financially sustainable.

Rana Environmental
Partnering with Projectivity Consulting, Rana Environmental will provide customised waste assessments to SMEs especially targeting the hospitality, tourism, manufacturing, retail, accommodation, and health and education sectors.

Shore Regional Organisation of Councils (SHOROC)
Aiming to reduce waste to landfill and improve regional environmental sustainability within the Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah Council LGAs through engaging businesses in offices, retail, accommodation and food services, healthcare and social assistance sectors.

Solo Resource Recovery
Partnering with Richmond Waste to provide tailored assistance to existing clients in the far North Coast of NSW to maximise recycling in local businesses.

Sydney Waste Services
Providing a range of waste and recycling services to assist existing clients to maximise resource recovery, focussing on restaurants, retailers and offices.

Tourism Accommodation Australia
Offering waste and recycling support services to all of its members to increase recycling and recovery of food, cardboard, commingled and plastic materials.

Helping existing URM clients to reduce waste from landfill, with a focus on the hospitality, private education, commercial and entertainment facilities sectors.

Waste Audit and Consultancy Services
Partnering with shopping centres, building managers and light industrial businesses to divert waste from landfill.

Providing waste and recycling support and advice to existing clients across a range of sectors in the Sydney Metropolitan Area.

Watts Waste
Specialising in the provision of waste and recycling services to high volume client sites including shopping centres in Sydney, North Sydney and Western Sydney.

Bin Trim Round 1 (2014-2015)

Round 1 allocated a total of $4,764,617 to 27 grant recipients.

360 Green 

Working with a range of businesses, including cafes and restaurants, caravan parks, clubs and pubs on the mid-north coast, building on achievements made in the Midwaste Business Waste Reduction Program.

A Prince Consulting Pty Ltd 
Increasing recycling of dry recyclables and expanded polystyrene from Sydney-based small and medium enterprises from a range of sectors.

Albury City Council (with Corowa Council and Greater Hume Council) 
Targeting food retailers, hospitality outlets, hospitals, small manufacturers and offices in the Albury, Corowa and Greater Hume council areas.

Belinda Evans
Reducing waste in the aged care, hospitality, retail and construction sectors in the Hunter and Central Coast.

Better Business Partnership 
Building on its success as a business engagement, assistance and recognition program BBP is working with small to medium enterprises in the Willoughby, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove and North Sydney council areas.

City of Canada Bay 
Working with businesses that generate large volumes of food waste in their area, including aged care facilities, cafes, restaurants, childcare centres, and small supermarkets.

Cool Planet Energy Pty Ltd 
Helping businesses on the NSW north coast to reduce their waste and increase recycling.

Ethnic Communities Council of NSW 
Supporting non-English speaking business owners and operators to reduce waste in the inner-west and western Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter regions.

EC Focus Pty Ltd t/as Energy Conservation 
Working with the Australian Retailers Association to target and reduce food and packaging waste in small to medium retailers from the Illawarra through to the Hunter.

Edge Environment 
Working with Manly Council and the Manly Chamber of Commerce to support small to medium enterprises across the northern beaches to waste less and recycle more.

Footprint Energy
Conducting waste assessments for small to medium businesses in the Hunter and on the Central Coast.

Handybin Waste Services (Coffs Harbour) Pty Ltd 
Partnering with Coffs Harbour City Council, Nambucca Shire Council and Bellingen Shire Council to increase co-mingled recycling in local businesses.

Impact Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd 
Supporting a range of small businesses, including accommodation and aged-care facilities on the mid-north coast to enhance their recycling.

JR Richards & Sons 
Working with existing clients across regional NSW to target waste produced in a range of sectors, including agriculture, construction, fisheries and forestry.

KMH Group 
Partnering with The Facility Management Association of Australia Ltd to target whole office buildings and their tenants across the state.

Mil-tek Waste Solutions Pty Ltd 
Working to increase the recycling of timber pallets, plastics, paper and cardboard from logistics companies, contract warehouses, transport companies and other small to medium businesses producing volumes of these packaging materials.

MRA Consulting Group 
Partnering with HunterNet, 1800-GOT-JUNK?, Harvey Norman franchises and Harris Farm Markets to target and reduce waste generated by these businesses and their clients.

North East Waste c/- Lismore City Council 
Through surveys and waste assessments North East Waste has identified hospitality, accommodation and service industry businesses as well as sporting venues in their region they can help with enhanced recycling.

NSW Glass & Glazing Association.
Offering waste and recycling support services to all of its members, targeting their offices, warehouses and factories.

Rana Environmental Pty Ltd 
Continuing to provide award-winning resource management support services to businesses in the Illawarra, south-east and south coast of NSW.

Remondis Australia Pty Ltd 
As part of its continued commitment to maximising resource recovery, targeting increased recycling from its existing clients in the services, retail, and hospitality sectors.

Relivit Pty Ltd 
Continuing its campaign to identify and divert organic and other waste from landfill generated by childcare and aged-care facilities.

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) 
Targeting resource recovery from the manufacturing sector across member council areas, including BlandShire, Coolamon Shire, Cootamundra Shire, Greater Hume Shire, Gundagai Shire, Junee Shire, Lockhart Shire, Temora Shire, Tumbarumba Shire, Tumut Shire, Urana Shire and Wagga Wagga City councils.

Suez Australia Pty Ltd 
Working with existing customers, providing integrated and sustainable resource recovery solutions, targeting offices, warehouses, and retailers across the Sydney metropolitan area.

Transpacific Industries Pty Ltd t/as Cleanaway 
Utilising its existing state-wide network of customers, Cleanaway's Education and Sales teams will work together to target the increased recycling of packaging and food organics.

Waste Audit & Consultancy Services (WACS)
Working with the Abacus Property Group, Jones Lang LaSalle, CBRE Australia and Knight Frank to create increased recycling opportunities for small to medium tenants, including offices and retailers as well as industrial and business parks.

Waverley Council 
Partnering with Woollahra Municipal and Randwick City councils to help restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, clubs, supermarkets and grocers to reduce waste and increase recycling. 

More information

Please contact the Business Unit, Circular Economy Programs: