Waste and Recycling Infrastructure Fund

Infrastructure funding is designed to accelerate and stimulate investment in infrastructure to increase the amount of resources recovered in NSW and keep materials within the circular economy.

Infrastructure funding supports projects within NSW that

  • improve the quality of recycled materials produced by material recovery facilities (MRFs)
  • increase the capability and capacity to recover and reprocess waste materials
  • increase the use of recycled content in the manufacture of products
  • increase the recovery of identified priority waste materials
  • support the creation of local end-markets for recovered resources


  • Remanufacture NSW  supports NSW organisations to respond to the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 waste export ban. It aims to
    • maximise recycling and reuse activities for materials affected by the waste export ban
    • contribute to meeting the Australian and NSW Governments’ resource recovery targets
    • keep resources within the circular economy.

Remanufacture NSW is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Recycling Modernisation Fund and the NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.

  • Circular Solar Trials tests the commercial and logistical feasibility of collecting solar panel and battery systems for recycling and reuse. Trials aim to link collected resources with end-markets to show collaborative ’whole-of-supply-chain’ management for this emerging waste stream. 
  • Civil Construction Market Program supports organisations to use construction and demolition waste and post-consumer recyclate such as glass, paper, and plastic in civil construction projects.
  • Product Improvement Program provides industry an opportunity to identify new uses and markets for recyclable materials, and to develop local processing and remanufacturing capability to help ensure services are maintained in future years. Funding is offered in two streams: Infrastructure and Research and Development. This funding incorporates the former Resource Recovery Facility Expansion and Enhancement Program (RRFEE), and projects previously funded under the Recycling Innovation Fund (RIF).
  • Major Resource Recovery Infrastructure Program is designed to fund new major resource recovery facilities that can increase recycling of waste materials from households and businesses in a cost-effective manner. Funding supports new council and private sector facilities.
  • Weighbridge Fund supports waste operators to comply with the state requirement that all waste-levy paying facilities have a weighbridge installed. Weighbridges ensure better quantification of waste and improve environmental performance at facilities. Aimed at facilitating the collection and payment of the Waste and Environment Levy.

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