Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Grants Program

Program snapshot

Eligible bodies: NSW local councils, Regional Waste Groups, community groups, business and other government agencies.

Contact: (02) 9995-5000 or [email protected]

Managed by: The NSW EPA

Status: Round 2 Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Grant Program is now closed.


The program aims to reduce cigarette butt litter and littering behaviour in NSW by supporting stakeholders to deliver local cigarette butt litter prevention projects that answer local needs and contribute to achieving NSW goals in long-term litter reduction.

Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Grants Program Round 2 (Closed)

Applications are now closed. You can download the Guidelines for information only.

Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention grant program; Round 2 guidelines (PDF 350KB)

Round 2 recipients
OrganisationAmountProject summarySites
Bathurst Regional Council$48,119Banishing Bathurt Butts Beyond the CBD - 10 sites
Banishing Bathurst Butts Beyond the CBD is a behaviour change and educational project that will install infrastructure and signage at the Bathurst Base Hospital and suburb areas outside the CBD with significant cigarette litter issues. A proactive approach will communicate positive social norming through a social media blitz, strategic advertising, and media releases. Council’s Facebook pages will be used to direct a social media campaign and communicate educational content. Bus advertising will be placed on vehicles that primarily travel to the Hospital and target suburb areas of Bathurst. A partnership with Bathurst Base Hospital has already been established. A preventative approach will install signage and butt bins to encourage appropriate disposal, while directional signage will lead people from prohibited areas. Regulatory patrols will be completed by officers collecting project data while enforcing the POEO Act.
Eurobodalla Shire Council$40,000Eurobodalla Cigarette Butt Litter Reduction Program - 7 sites
This project aims to significantly reduce cigarette butt littering and increase cigarette butt binning rates in seven key sites within the Eurobodalla. This will be achieved by installing cigarette bins in strategic locations, using signage to identify and indicate the locations of cigarette bins, and utilise Ranger presence / enforcement to convey the expectation or proper binning behavior.
Shellharbour City Council$25,000We bin our butts - 7 sites
This project aims to encourage residents and visitors to the Shellharbour Local Government Area to reduce the number of cigarette butts littering our recreation parks and associated car parks with potential to enter our waterways. Council conducted butt litter checks at each hotspot location, and identified that the cigarette butt littering rate is between 56%-100%. Council aim to reduce butt littering at each location by at least 20% by February 2023. The litter is occurring as there is no convenient cigarette butt bins or signage in the immediate areas. Observations have shown that even where there are litter bins, smokers often butt out their cigarette on the litter bin and discard it onto the ground.
TAFE NSW - Ultimo$30,400Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Ultimo - 2 sites
The cigarette butt litter problem seen across the NSW community is replicated at TAFE colleges. The target audience is primarily staff, students and business/retail partners who smoke. In particular, TAFE will target people who smoke while on breaks, as well as those smoking just before entring the premises and dropping their butts at the gates and those lighting up to smoke as they leave for their cars or public transport. TAFE also hopes to engage Aboriginal staff and students as part of our commitment to Caring for Country (of which correct disposal of cigarette butts is part of), and non-smokers who will benefit from reduced cigarette butt litter around the campus and less exposure to second-hand smoke on campus. Sydney TAFE - Ultimo College has a vibrant community of students, their teachers and retailers. TAFE Ultimo provide vocational learning for a wide range of careers, including (but not limited to): Trades (Automotive, Electrotechnology), Community Services, Building and Architecture, Maritime, Aviation, Business and Technology, LLN, HSC, Hospitality, Fashion, Photography.
TAFE NSW - Eora (Darlington) / Petersham / Enmore / Randwick / St. George / Annandale$39,315Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Petersham, Eora, Enmore, Randwick, St George, Annandale - 6 Sites
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will engage key stakeholders (e.g. students and staff who smoke, Aboriginal staff and students and non-smoking students) via a project working group, engagement activities and communications to design smoking areas that meet needs and smokers feel a sense of ownership of them.
TAFE NSW - Tamworth / Qurindi / Gunnedah / Coonabrarabran / Dunedooo$50,000Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Tamworth, Quirindi, Gunnedah, Coonabrabran, Dunedoo - 5 Sites
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will deliver a communication campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditional owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW - Wollongong / Shellharbour$35,520Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Wollongong, Wollongong West & Shellharbour - 3 Sites
TAFE Shellharbour and Wollongong has campuses in 3 NSW electoral districts and will work with TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will deliver a communication campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditional owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW - Kempsey$27,600Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Kempsey - 1 Site
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will deliver a communication campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditional owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW - Wauchope / Taree$50,000Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Taree & Wauchope - 2 Sites
TAFE Wauchope and Taree have campuses in 2 NSW electoral districts. The project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will deliver a communication campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditional owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW - Port Macquarie$33,000Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Port Macquarie - 1 Sites
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Sydney Region to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking on individual wellbeing and the environment, and is part of a partnership with Health Promotion from Western Sydney Local Health District. This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to reduce the quantity of butt litter to eliminate the impact on the environment. In particular the project will deliver a communication campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditional owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
Round 1 recipients

This program is closed for applications, for information only you can download the Guidelines (PDF 221KB) and Application form (DOCX 272KB).

OrganisationAmountProject summary
Mt Druitt Dawson Mall Blacktown WSLHD$20,000

Mount Druitt Dawson Mall Butt Litter Prevention - 4 sites
The Dawson Mall Butt Litter Prevention project will establish two new designated smoking areas (DSAs) close to hotspot areas and refurbish two existing DSAs which require improved features and amenities to reduce cigarette butt litter. These four locations will undertake key strategies which are underpinned by research conducted by the EPA, including: pathways, positive social norming, pride and ownership and enforcement. Evidence-based social media marketing strategies will also be incorporated. 
Project actions to address the butt litter problem include:

Developing DSAs

  • ​Develop and/or enhance a designated space with clear boundaries for smokers to use and provide seating for improved comfort
  • Install improved bin amenities to capture butt litter
  • Improve cleanliness of DSAs
  • Install pathways to guide smokers to DSAs and butt bins for cigarette butt disposal
  • Provide a survey or communication channel to obtain community feedback for established DSAs

Communication Strategy

  • Increase signage at four DSAs and surrounding areas (e.g. the Dawson Mall playground)
  • Utilise Hey Tosser! Campaign materials and other signage under the 4 strategies (pathways, pride and ownership, positive social norming, enforcement)
  • Utilise social media to increase exposure of new DSAs and promote a butt litter prevention campaign targeted at key target audiences
  • Install signage at nearby Dawson Mall playground to reduce smoking and guide smokers to DSAs
  • Installation of two community noticeboards at hotspot areas to provide support and linkages to local community programs, such as quit smoking services.
  • Engage Mount Druitt Westfields to direct staff who smoke to utilise the DSAs
  • Patrols with Blacktown City Council staff (e.g. rangers) or local police officers speaking and guiding smokers to DSAs.
North Sydney Council$40,000North Sydney Butt Litter Prevention Project - 7 sites
Council has recently resolved to prohibit smoking within the North Sydney CBD and to incorporate places where smokers can be directed to smoke. 
These places included above are areas where smokers are to be accommodated in order for the ban in the entire CBD to be successful. Each place requires bins and signage permitting smoking as well as area signage in the surrounding streets to direct smokers there. 
Currently smokers are using these areas and the litter from these smokers is obtrusive and highly visible in all of these areas. Drainage for all locations is directed to Sydney Harbour and the minimisation or hopefully, the elimination of litter ingress into our drains from these locations is vital.
The provision of appropriately designed and identified bins at each site, which currently are not in place, is imperative to addressing the ambivalent attitude of smokers towards their litter. The aim is to create attitudinal change and buy-in form smokers to keep these locations clean and litter free by improving infrastructure and gaining ownership from smokers towards keeping these areas clean without the essential intervention of Council cleaning staff.
Positive Change for Marine Life$40,000Butt Free Tweed - 9 sites
Cigarette butts have been the most commonly littered item that we have found across our land-based marine debris surveys. On average, ~78% of our findings in coastal areas have been made up of cigarette butts and they are also within the top 5 items that are found across the majority of River Warriors surveys. With Tweed Heads being the 6th largest population centre in the state and the largest city in northern NSW, it is a prime location to address cigarette butt-related litter at its source and shift behaviour towards a Butt Free Tweed. Learning from challenges/successes from Butt Free Byron, PCFML will incorporate the NSW Government’s 13 Step Approach to Reduce Cigarette Butt Littering through 3 project phases:
Phase 1 - Data Collection (months 0-1); Phase 2 - Implementation (months 2-10); Phase 3 - Review, Reward, Refine (months 11-12):
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Cluster 1 (Bankstown, Lidcombe, Padstow, Campbelltown, Macquarie Fields, Ingleburn)$39,228

Cluster 1 TAFE NSW Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention (Bankstown, Lidcombe, Padstow, Campbelltown, Macquarie Fields, Ingleburn) - 18 sites 
The target audience is primarily staff, students and business/retail partners who smoke. In particular, people who smoke while on breaks, as well as those smoking just before entering the premises and dropping their butts at the gates and those lighting up to smoke as they leave for their cars or public transport. The project will also engage Aboriginal staff and students as part of the commitment to Caring for Country (of which correct disposal of cigarette butts is part of), and non-smokers who will benefit from reduced cigarette butt litter around the campus and less exposure to second-hand smoke on campus.
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Western Sydney region in partnership with Health Promotion colleagues from Nepean Blue Mountains, South West Sydney and Western Sydney Local Health Districts.
This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to:

  • Engage key stakeholders
  • Install new and enhanced smoking areas with cigarette butt disposal bins at each college that are convenient, comfortable and are well used and maintained by smokers
  • Provide clear signage and directions to the smoking areas, with positive re-inforcement for usage of the space and correct disposal of cigarette butts
  • Deliver a communcation campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditinal owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Cluster 2 (Granville, Wetherill Park, Liverpool)$37,128

Cluster 2 TAFE NSW Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention (Granville, Wetherill Park, Liverpool) - 13 sites
The target audience is primarily staff, students and business/retail partners who smoke. In particular, people who smoke while on breaks, as well as those smoking just before entering the premises and dropping their butts at the gates and those lighting up to smoke as they leave for their cars or public transport. The project will also engage Aboriginal staff and students as part of the commitment to Caring for Country (of which correct disposal of cigarette butts is part of), and non-smokers who will benefit from reduced cigarette butt litter around the campus and less exposure to second-hand smoke on campus.
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Western Sydney region in partnership with Health Promotion colleagues from Nepean Blue Mountains, South West Sydney and Western Sydney Local Health Districts.
This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to:

  • Engage key stakeholders
  • Install new and enhanced smoking areas with cigarette butt disposal bins at each college that are convenient, comfortable and are well used and maintained by smokers
  • Provide clear signage and directions to the smoking areas, with positive re-inforcement for usage of the space and correct disposal of cigarette butts
  • Deliver a communcation campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditinal owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Cluster 3$33,460

Cluster 3 TAFE NSW Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention (Richmond, Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Blacktown) - 8 sites
The target audience is primarily staff, students and business/retail partners who smoke. In particular, people who smoke while on breaks, as well as those smoking just before entering the premises and dropping their butts at the gates and those lighting up to smoke as they leave for their cars or public transport. The project will also engage Aboriginal staff and students as part of the commitment to Caring for Country (of which correct disposal of cigarette butts is part of), and non-smokers who will benefit from reduced cigarette butt litter around the campus and less exposure to second-hand smoke on campus.
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Western Sydney region in partnership with Health Promotion colleagues from Nepean Blue Mountains, South West Sydney and Western Sydney Local Health Districts.
This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to:

  • Engage key stakeholders
  • Install new and enhanced smoking areas with cigarette butt disposal bins at each college that are convenient, comfortable and are well used and maintained by smokers
  • Provide clear signage and directions to the smoking areas, with positive re-inforcement for usage of the space and correct disposal of cigarette butts
  • Deliver a communcation campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditinal owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Cluster 4$35,490

Cluster 4 TAFE NSW Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention (Penrith, Kingswood, Mount Druitt, Miller, Katoomba, Wentworth Falls) - 15 sites
The target audience is primarily staff, students and business/retail partners who smoke. In particular, people who smoke while on breaks, as well as those smoking just before entering the premises and dropping their butts at the gates and those lighting up to smoke as they leave for their cars or public transport. The project will also engage Aboriginal staff and students as part of the commitment to Caring for Country (of which correct disposal of cigarette butts is part of), and non-smokers who will benefit from reduced cigarette butt litter around the campus and less exposure to second-hand smoke on campus.
This project is part of a broader project for TAFE NSW Western Sydney region in partnership with Health Promotion colleagues from Nepean Blue Mountains, South West Sydney and Western Sydney Local Health Districts.
This project seeks to implement a range of strategies to:

  • Engage key stakeholders
  • Install new and enhanced smoking areas with cigarette butt disposal bins at each college that are convenient, comfortable and are well used and maintained by smokers
  • Provide clear signage and directions to the smoking areas, with positive re-inforcement for usage of the space and correct disposal of cigarette butts
  • Deliver a communcation campaign to increase awareness in the TAFE community that correct disposal of cigarettes (and other litter) shows Caring for Country and respect for Aboriginal traditinal owners, as well as broader environmental benefits
Wollongong City Council$39,568Art Trail to Butt Out Cigarette Litter - 13 sites
This project aims to reduce cigarette butt litter at identified hot spots by promoting that regardless of size, butts are still litter; raising awareness of the impact of cigarette butt litter on the natural environment; and encouraging correct disposal behaviour by installing cigarette butt bins in these spots. Thirteen sites have been identified for this project. Eight of these sites currently have no cigarette butt bins installed and rely on the current sulo bins to capture this litter. 
To raise awareness of the number of cigarette butt bins available to the public in addition to putting the spotlight on butt litter, encourage correct disposal of cigarette butts and highlight the issues that result from littering of butts, an Art Trail will be developed. 
The Art Trail while aesthetically pleasing, will support the key messages around disposing of cigarette butts correctly by using a bin and secondly to Report a Tosser through use of the app. An Art Trail map will be developed and promoted over the 2020 Summer period. A complimentary competition will ask the community to write down the answer to a question which can be viewed at each of the specific 10 art sites across the LGA that link with the sites which will have butt bins installed.
Bathurst Regional Council 
$35,140Banishing Bathurst Butts - Cignificantly Reducing CBD Litter - 12 sites
The project will focus on public transport terminals, parking infrastructure, thoroughfares and entryways to shopping centres. Banishing Bathurst Butts is a behaviour change and educational project that will install infrastructure and signage at identified areas with significant butt litter. A proactive approach will communicate positive social norming through a social media blitz, strategic advertising, and media releases including Council’s Facebook pages, bus and taxi advertising in the Bathurst CBD, and a minimum of three (3) media releases and feature on local screen and print media. 
Partnerships will be formed with CBD businesses and stakeholders to achieve project KPIs. A preventative approach will install signage and butt bins to encourage appropriate disposal, while beautification will instil pride of place. A minimum of fifty (50) floor graphic signs will be installed on pathways throughout the CBD, signs will direct smokers to butt bins and specify the penalties for littering. Twenty (20) aluminium pole signs using positive social norming content will be installed in two (2) Council carparks. Garden beds in both carparks will be landscaped to deter littering while increase aesthetic amenity and ownership. Twenty-five (25) cigarette butt bins will be installed to encourage compliant behaviour. Non-compliant behaviours will be managed with a reactive enforcement approach. Regulatory patrols will be completed by rangers and officers, collecting project data but also enforcing the POEO Act. The number of fines issued during the project will be publicised. Council’s Officers will manage the project and monitor outcomes.
Waverley Council$40,000Waverley Butt Litter Prevention Project - 2 sites
This project is working at two different sites along Ebley St. One outside the Officeworks, and one outside the entrance of Eastgate shopping centre. 
At present, there are no public place bins or cigarette butt bins to help smokers dispose of their cigarette butt bins properly. This leads to smokers predominantly dropping and stomping, or butting out in the garden beds.
The project will provide the correct infrastructure at both sites, including installing public place litter bins and enviropoles to capture the cigarette butt litter for recycling. 
Signage will be installed on the bins, and on a bus shelter using Hey Tosser artwork. If the bus shelter is not available (as they require advanced booking), council's way finding stations (street signage) will be used for smaller posters across multiple locations. 
Council will engage with the public as well as work closely with store managers from both locations to provide information and awareness on the project for their employees, highlighting the new bin infrastructure and our desire to work together to keep the site clean and litter free.
Cleansing schedules will be coordinated regularly, and our Rangers will do weekly patrols of the sites, with over time patrols to observe any littering offences out of hours, providing both soft and hard enforcement as the project progresses.
Bayside Council$40,000Cigarette Butt Infrastructure - 15 sites
Council aims to engage and reduce the overall littered number of butts and create a social compact (where smokers perceive a beautification in the area) by targeting local factors to encourage smokers to bin butts and discourage them from butt littering. Smokers will feel catered for and not ostracised. It will also indicate to those who do not smoke that there are facilities in place within the vicinity for smokers to use. A total of 30 cigarette bin infrastructure will be installed. Infrastructure will be combined with EPA signage, particularly those which direct and create a safe community space for smoking.
Ocean Action Pod TEC$14,498Buckingham Bins Butts - 1 site
Buckingham Bins Butts project aims to prevent butt litter and associated littering behaviours by adopting an immersive and integrated approach which includes clean ups, educational pop ups providing a deeper understanding of the environmental ramifications of this type of litter on our marine environment. The installation of butt and waste bins together with seating and 'Dont be aTosser' creative messaging will provide the inspiration / motivation for smokers, visitors, business owners and pub patrons to feel a sense of ownership and pride in taking action to keep the area butt litter free.
City of Ryde$25,000City of Ryde Cigarette Butt Litter Project - 3 sites
The project aims to discourage littering cigarette butts by improving infrastructure and signage at transport hubs and shopping precincts. 
It aims to educate smokers about environmental issues associated with cigarette butt littering and fines that apply for cigarette butt littering and discourage smoking at the entrance to the shopping centre by creating a designated smoking area. Signage will change each month on a rotation to maintain novelty. Education blitzes will be conducted by authorized officers handing out warnings to people littering cigarette butts and thanking people who correctly dispose of their cigarettes. Enforcement blitzes will be conducted by authorized officers fining people for littering cigarette butts.
Eurobodalla Shire Council$40,000Eurobodalla Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Program - 7 sites
Eurobodalla Shire Council are conducting into litter ending up in roadside drains and determined that a high number of cigarette butts in this area are not being binned. Due to the close proximity to the water, these butts will primarily end up in the ocean if nothing is done.This is the reasoning for having a large number of sites along the Batemans Bay foreshore. The other locations identified were chosen by speaking to staff from the Parks and Gardens team, along with general observations of smokers binning actions within the area.
Installing butt litter bins in all of the identified sites will make it easier for people smoking to dispose of butts. By placing signage around the area smokers will be directed to appropriate smoking areas and places they are able to dispose of cigarettes appropriately. Reducing the distance between smoking areas and cigarette / litter bins will be of great benefit to alter the behavious of smokers. Adding difrectional signage to notify people of where they can dispose of cigarette butts may help. Along with the onging routine cleaning of the areas, doing a thorough clean up of the area before installing butt bins should also make expectations of proper butt disposal apparent. Building smoker ownership of the area throught site beautification may also help. After bins have been established and site beautification and signage works have been completed Council rangers will also follow up with enforcement activities.
Walgett Shire Council$20,000

Walgett Litter Prevention - 4 sites
Research was carried out regarding cigarette litter around Walgett Shire and found that there are few cigarette bins available to public in Walgett Shire. The project will install cigarette bins and Litter/smoking signs on public areas such as parks, bus stops and caravan parks. The target sites are:

  • Gray Park, Walgett
  • Lions park / Rest area, Collarenebri
  • Alex Trevallion Park / Camping ground, Walgett
  • Fox St/ Main St , Walgett