Go FOGO grants
Program snapshot
Category: Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy
Amounts: total pool of $50 million
Eligible bodies: NSW Councils
Contact: [email protected]
Status: Round 4 is now open, closing 4pm 29 April 2025
Managed by: NSW Environment Protection Authority
Apply via: SmartyGrants
Go FOGO grants support NSW councils to deliver new weekly food only (FO) or food organics and garden organics (FOGO) services to their communities. These may be households that currently have no kerbside organics bin service or households with only a garden waste collection.
Two grant rounds are planned for each year for four years starting in the second half of 2022.
The objectives of the Go FOGO grants are to:
- support the effective rollout of weekly FOGO (or FO) services to 500,000 households that have no organics service
- support the effective rollout of weekly FOGO (or FO) services to 1,500,000 households that have a garden only waste service
- provide additional support to councils with a significant number of multi-unit dwellings (MUDs) to deliver additional tailored communication to these properties.
Eligible organisations
All NSW councils are eligible to apply for funding to roll out new weekly FOGO services or FO services to households that do not currently have a service. The service must be active within three years of the grant application approval.
Councils who have previously received funding under the Waste Less Recycle More organics collections grants or Go FOGO are eligible to apply for Go FOGO funding to provide a new weekly FOGO or GO service to households not covered by the previous funding. Councils with more than 10,000 MUDs, or where MUDs account for more than 20% of the housing stock across the local government area, may also apply to receive an additional $50,000 MUD payment, introduced in 2025.
Information session
An online information session will be held at 2pm on Tuesday, 1 April 2025. Please register to attend.
Guidelines for applicants
For a PDF version of these guidelines, please email [email protected].
The NSW Government requires councils to provide food organics or food and garden organics collections to all NSW households by 2030. It also requires large food waste generating businesses to source separate food waste from July 2026. The initiatives are designed to reduce organics waste in landfill, where it generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and instead create a clean stream of a valuable resource that can be beneficially reused.
FOGO recycling also supports the NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan Stage 1 goal for net zero emissions from food, garden and textile waste landfilled by 2030.
The Go FOGO grants program provides $50 million to support the transition to FO or FOGO services as households account for the largest volume of organics waste going to landfill in NSW and, therefore the highest proportion of emissions.
In addition to the Go FOGO grant funding, the EPA has developed the NSW Guide to Best Practice FOGO, a step-by-step guide for NSW councils to introduce FOGO kerbside collection services. There are also a range of support programs in place, including:
- Scrap Together community education funding
- joint procurement assistance
- organics infrastructure investment
- technical advice, information and expertise
- assistance to tap into carbon credit funding.
Community Education
Experience has shown that good education from the outset, starting well in advance of the service change is critical to a successful FOGO roll out. Applicants must demonstrate a good understanding of the complex education requirements in introducing food waste recycling, the unique requirements of their communities and the proposed approach to education.
The EPA has developed Starting Scraps, a six-stage education package available for free to councils to use to introduce their new services. The resources have been piloted and focus group tested and demonstrated to be effective in introducing residents to the changes coming and showing them how to use the service well. It was developed in partnership with BehaviourWorks Australia and experienced council educators and it incorporates best practice behaviour change principles to address barriers and concerns and inspire motivation for change. It includes videos, radio ads, images, social media tiles, web banners, flyer templates and caddy stickers. Visit scraptogether.com.au to access and download the Starting Scraps collateral.
While councils are encouraged to use Starting Scraps, they may choose to use the funding to develop their own collateral. It is strongly advised that if they do develop their own resources, councils follow the staged messaging approach and the research underpinning it as guidance.
- Funding supports rollout of new FOGO (or FO) services
- The new weekly FOGO (or FO) collection will start in less than three years from the date of the grant approval.
- The new organics collection service is for a minimum of seven years.
- The new source separated organics bin-based service will be weekly.
- All services include delivery of a kitchen caddy to the household with information on how to use the new service.
- The collected food and garden organics must be transported separately and treated off site at a lawful facility to make quality outputs in keeping with Circular Economy Policy principles.
- Community education for the service introduction with three stages (pre, during and post rollout) must be implemented to support high recovery rates and low contamination risk.
- Provision for yearly education within the new organics collection contract.
- Education about what can go in the bin in line with the EPA position statement on what should and shouldn’t be disposed of in FOGO or FO bins
- Submit the grant application using SmartyGrants by 4pm 29 April 2025.
Applications that do not satisfy these conditions will be deemed ineligible and will not be funded.
Sixty percent of the grant amount will be paid on signing of the grant agreement.
A further 30% will be paid when the council provides evidence that the pre-service roll-out education has begun, and new or updated processing and collection contracts comply with the grant eligibility criteria.
The final 10% will be paid on approval of a final report, provided six months after the service start, including data on the outcomes achieved in the initial months of collection, how the grant funding was used, and confirmation of the final numbers of households with a new service. The evaluation of the new service through community satisfaction surveys, change in tonnage of organics collected and processed, low contamination rates in the FOGO bin, and levels of organics in the residual bin is encouraged.
Successful applicants are required to liaise with the EPA regularly throughout the project and attend bi-monthly grantee meetings. The collaboration is intended to support councils in the rollout of the new services by providing information, advice and lessons from other councils that have been through the tendering and delivery processes for new FOGO services.
Available funding:
- $50 per household in single unit dwellings transitioning from no organics service to a weekly food and garden (FOGO) service
- $25 per household in multi-unit dwellings transitioning to FOGO or FO services
- $10 per household in a single unit dwelling transitioning from garden organics (GO) services to FOGO (or separate GO and FO collections where the GO is a minimum fortnightly and FO minimum weekly collection).
For grant governance purposes, councils are requested to base the number of eligible households per local government area on the on the number of households with residual waste services and without kerbside FOGO or FO + GO, as published in the most recent Local Government Waste and Resource Recovery Data Report, published on the EPA website. This provides the evidence base for the independent Technical Advisory Committee to determine the recommended funding amount for each successful applicant.
Additional funding (in line with the allocations shown above) providing up to 10% of the total funding may be awarded at the final milestone if the service is rolled out to more households than anticipated in the initial application. This acknowledges that due to the long timeframe between receiving funding and starting the new service, more homes may have come online. The final milestone payment will be reduced (in line with the allocations shown above) if fewer households than initially anticipated receive the service.
Additional funding of $100,000 is available to councils with a large number of multi-unit dwellings (MUDs) transitioning to the new service. This funding is available only to councils with more than 10,000 multi-unit dwellings, or where MUD’s account for more than 20% of housing stock. An additional $50,000 is available to councils that have already received a $50,000 MUD payment under a previous Go FOGO grant. This funding recognises that additional education may be required to engage residents in these properties and tailored education will be needed to address high resident turnover, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and action required in different MUD types.
Go FOGO funding can be used for project investigation and planning, pilots, tender development, procurement of caddies and bins, delivery of education, audits and surveys related to the new weekly FOGO or FO service. Only full-service rollouts are funded. Projects that only involve pilots are not eligible for funding.
On completion of the project, grantees will be required to report on the percentage of funding spent on:
- preparation and planning
- bins, caddies and other infrastructure
- education
- monitoring/evaluation
- other.
Councils that receive the additional MUD funding will be required to report separately on how that funding was spent and how the service rollout of education was adapted for MUDs.
Councils are not required to demonstrate a specific co-contribution amount in order to be eligible for the Go FOGO grants. It is recognised councils will invest significant in-kind co-contributions in preparing, implementing and managing new organics collection services.
Grant funds cannot be used for items purchased or ordered before the Funding Deed has been signed by EPA and the grantee.
In addition to eligibility requirements, successful applicants will be required to sign and return a Funding Agreement confirming commitment to comply with conditions of the funding, including:
- continue to comply with the eligibility criteria for the length of the grant agreement or pay back the funding reporting as described in the Reporting and milestone payments section of these guidelines
- hold appropriate insurance and public liability coverage
- acknowledge the support of the NSW Government on publications relating to the project, in accordance with the Deed of Agreement
- invite an NSW Government representative to any launch or public event associated with this funding.
A copy of the Funding Agreement template (PDF 650KB) is available.
Applications will undergo an eligibility check before being reviewed by an independent Technical Review Committee (TRC) using the criteria set out below. The dot points provide additional information on the types of considerations relevant to each criterion.
The TRC will also assess whether the project should be awarded the additional MUD funding.
The EPA Organics Unit is available to help applicants with their application. Please email us on [email protected] for assistance.
Criteria | Expected information |
Project planning (25%) |
FOGO or FO collection rollout proposal (25%) |
Effective communication/ Education to support project goals (25%) |
Well designed monitor and evaluation plan to measure program success (25%) |
Clear justification for additional MUD funding of up to $100,000 (100%) (Or $50,000 for councils that have received MUD funding previously) |
Round 3
Round 3 awarded $1.9 million to four projects. Collectively these grants will provide a new weekly FOGO or food only service to nearly 130,000 households.
- $132,775 Blayney Shire Council
- $345,875 Blue Mountains City Council
- $741,900 City of Parramatta Council (MUDs only)
- $687,620 Sutherland Shire Council
Round 2
Round 2 awarded $10.4 million to five projects. Collectively these grants will provide a new weekly FOGO or food only service to nearly 260,000 households.
- $6,357,300 Blacktown City Council
- $2,788,450 Fairfield City Council
- $145,500 Glen Innes Severn Council
- $974,755 Liverpool City Council
- $147,900 Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) on behalf of Wentworth Shire Council
Round 1
Round 1 awarded $6.2 million to 10 projects. Collectively these grants will provide a new weekly FOGO or food only service to nearly 290,000 households.
- $243,650 Cessnock City Council
- $817,150 City of Newcastle
- $1,834,740 Cumberland City Council
- $953,425 Inner West Council
- $439,450 Lithgow City Council
- $329, 060 Maitland City Council
- $130,650 Murrumbidgee Council
- $62,060 Muswellbrook Shire Council
- $930,900 Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) (including Berrigan, Edward River, Federation, Greater Hume Shire and Leeton Councils)
- $467,575 Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Resources are available to support councils with rolling out organics collection services. This includes 6 online masterclasses, featuring Australian and international speakers who share their experiences on delivering FOGO.
Councils may be eligible to apply for Australia Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) that can be used as additional income from the implementation of new or enhanced FOGO collection services for households. A factsheet (PDF 327KB) and manual (PDF 1.26MB) is available to support councils with applying for ACCUs.
Round 3 recipients announced
$1.9 million awarded to 4 projects
Previous funding
The Go FOGO grants build on the funding provided under the Waste Less Recycle More Organics Collections grants
Circular Economy Programs
Organics Unit
Email: [email protected]