Reducing diesel emissions from ports and shipping

The EPA is working with the shipping industry to reduce air pollution from ports and ships.

Shipping emissions

The EPA coordinated a half-day workshop in 2015 to report back to stakeholders on

  • the findings of shipping emissions reports
  • implementing legislation to require cruise ships to use low sulfur fuel

The workshop was attended by approximately 80 stakeholders from industry, the community, government, ports and local councils.

Workshop presentations

Emissions from ships operating in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (PDF 658KB)Jonathan Abrahams, Head of Maritime Advisory (Australia) DNV.GL
The mortality effect of ship related PM2.5 in Sydney (PDF 1.2MB)Dr Geoff Morgan, Associate Professor - Environmental Health, University Centre for Rural Health, University of Sydney
NSW Cruise Shipping Regulation - Update (PDF 720KB)Mr David Fowler, Director Reform and Compliance, EPA

Assessing emission reduction measures for ships at major ports

The EPA contracted Det Norske Veritas (Australia) Pty Ltd (DNV GL) to assess the technical feasibility, costs and impacts of adopting emission reduction measures for ships at major ports in NSW.

NSW EPA Ship Emission Study, Emissions from Ships Operating in the Greater Metropolitan Area (PDF 2.9MB) includes

  • an evaluation of measures and technology used nationally and internationally to reduce ship emissions
  • an overview of international conventions for the control of shipping emissions including global and regional requirements for nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides
  • a description of incentive schemes used overseas
  • an introduction to Australian shipping emissions legislation
  • an assessment of the feasibility of adopting lower sulfur fuel, scrubbers and shore side power for ships
  • a discussion about marine fuel types and suppliers
  • a description of  the configurations of different engines
  • information about ship types, marine traffic volumes and fuel consumption
  • the results of the 2013 base year emission inventory for the greater metropolitan area, including detailed information for the ports of Newcastle, Port Jackson, Port Botany and Port Kembla
  • predicted marine traffic and emissions of particulate matter and sulfur oxides from 2014 to 2030
  • costs of using various control technologies
  • a financial analysis  for adopting low sulfur marine fuels or scrubber technologies in NSW

Shipping industry information forum

In 2014, the EPA led an information forum with Australian and international representatives from the shipping industry and associations, fuel suppliers, ports and government agencies.

Forum presentations
Diesel and Marine Fuel Emissions in NSW - Sources and Trends (PDF 997KB)Nick Agapides, NSW EPA
Exhaust Emissions from Ship Engines in Australian Waters - Focus on NSW Ports (PDF 4MB)Dr Laurie Goldsworthy, Australian Maritime College
The Health Effects of Air Pollution (PDF 720KB)Dr Richard Broome, Deputy Director Environmental Health, NSW Health
Sulphur Compliance and Enforcement - A Shipping Perspective (PDF 3MB)Roger Strevens, Vice President and Global Head of Environment, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL)
Emission Reduction Measures NSW EPA Project (PDF 1.4MB)Jonathan Abrahams, Head of Maritime Advisory (Australia) DNV.GL

Cleaner ports

The EPA commissioned Potential measures to reduce air pollution from NSW ports: A preliminary study undertaken by PAE Holmes (PDF 1.2MB).

More information

Read Chapter 18 (page 221) of the EPA's submission to the NSW Upper House Inquiry (PDF 2.2MB).