Bankstown Airport

Sydney Metro Airports (SMA) is investigating per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination stemming from the historical use of fire-fighting foams at Bankstown Airport.

Investigations have found PFAS in groundwater, surface water and soils at several locations across the airport. The detection of PFAS is not unexpected given the past use of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foams at the site. PFAS has also been used in many domestic and industrial products and background levels may be present from these other sources.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will continue to engage with SMA to provide support where possible and ensure an appropriate risk-based approach is adopted throughout the investigations.

Residents can continue to fish and eat seafood from nearby Georges River and Botany Bay, noting the existing advisories and restrictions in place. Additionally, regular consumers of fish from Georges River and Botany Bay should follow precautionary dietary advice to minimise their exposure to PFAS.   

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