Botany Industrial Park

Companies at Botany Industrial Park (BIP) are investigating the presence of per-and-poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination stemming from the historical use of fire-fighting foams at the BIP.

PFAS was detected in sediment, surface and groundwater. The detection of PFAS is not unexpected given the past use of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foams at the site. PFAS has also been used in many domestic and industrial products and background levels may be present from these other sources.

Many of the areas where PFAS has been detected offsite are part of the Groundwater Extraction Exclusion Area, and in the Penrhyn Estuary where fishing bans are already in place.

Residents can continue to fish and consume seafood from Botany Bay and the Georges River however, should follow precautionary advice to minimse exposure to PFAS.

The companies at BIP will undertake further investigations. The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will also work with those companies to determine if the current onsite surface and ground water management controls are appropriate for the management of PFAS.

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