Dubbo groundwater investigation

Dubbo Regional Council investigated the quality of the groundwater within its existing bore network and during these investigations detected PFAS in groundwater in the Dubbo area. PFAS was detected in land irrigation bores and a drinking water supply bore, which has since been isolated from the water supply system.

Council has tested the city’s water supply from the water treatment facility. These tests did not detect any PFAS leaving the facility and entering the town water supply. Dubbo’s town water remains safe to drink.

Finding PFAS in the environment does not mean there is a human health risk. It is important to assess if there are exposure pathways through which people might ingest PFAS, such as drinking contaminated groundwater or consuming food products watered with contaminated groundwater.

The EPA and Dubbo Regional Council are undertaking a Water Use Survey across a wide area in Dubbo to increase understanding of local groundwater use.

NSW Government agencies, including the EPA, NSW Health, and the Department of Primary Industries will use the Water Use Survey and the results from the sampling program to determine if precautionary dietary advice is required to minimise exposure to PFAS.