Dangerous goods video explainers

With the help of emergency services and the transport industry, we developed a series of 10 short videos that explain key safety precautions that must be taken when transporting dangerous goods, and why these precautions are important.

Everyone involved in the transport of dangerous goods has a responsibility to make sure the goods are transported safely and lawfully. There are some key controls in place to ensure incidents are less likely to occur, and when they do occur, emergency services are supplied with the information and resources they need to render the incident safe.

The dangerous goods explainer video series is intended to be used by:

  • everyone involved in the transport of dangerous goods to inform themselves, as well as for training of staff, customers and service providers
  • first responders to raise awareness of dangerous goods, and what information is available to them to assist in developing incident action plans.

In 30 minutes, after watching all of the videos, you won’t be an expert, but you will be in a better position to ensure dangerous goods are transported safely.

Explainer series

1. Introduction

Introduces the explainer series and reminds you that dangerous goods (DG) safety is everyone’s responsibility.


2. Tankers for drivers

What the EPA expects of you if you are a driver of a DG tank vehicle, and covers topics including pre-start and pre-loading checks, and what to do if you have a leak in transit.


3. Tanker fleet management

Even if your fleet is only one tanker, this shows what the EPA expects of you with regard to fleet maintenance, how to avoid truck fires, staff training and supervision, and what to do when an incident occurs.


4. Consignor-loader responsibilities

Outlines key responsibilities if you consign DG or load DG onto vehicles.


5. Presentation of freight

What you need to do to ensure your freight provider can get your DG to the destination intact.


6. Segregation

Different methods to lawfully segregate incompatible classes of DG on your truck.


7. Restraint

Methods of restraining freight to your vehicle and specific restraint requirements for DG.


8. Placarding

The importance of placarding a vehicle and key tips to ensure the vehicle is correctly placarded.


9. Placard load

Shows you how much DG on your vehicle makes it a placard load.


10. Transport documents

Importance of transport documents and how to make sure your documents are compliant.