Reporting forestry incidents

We encourage members of the community to report forestry operation incidents that they suspect may be illegal or threaten the environment.

Unlawful forestry operations include breaches of environmental regulations and forestry licensing conditions such as:

  • logging in stream protection zones
  • causing sediment to wash into streams
  • damaging habitat in protected areas
  • harming threatened plants or animals.
Reporting an incident in private native forests

If you suspect illegal activity, phone your nearest EPA office or contact EPA’s Environment Line by:

For information on private native forestry approvals, please contact your Local Land Service​ by:

Reporting an incident on public land

Incidents can be reported to the EPA Environment Line by:

Making your report

Provide as much information about the incident as you can. Key information includes:

  • nature of the incident, for example, water pollution or harming threatened species
  • scale of the incident, for example, was it over a large or small area
  • possible harm to the environment or biodiversity
  • timing of the incident, for example, when did it start and stop, or is it ongoing
  • how and when you become aware of the incident
  • location of the incident, for example, State forest name or address of private native forest, distance to identifying features such as roads or buildings, description of location, GPS location
  • who you suspect is responsible for the incident and why
  • supporting information such as photographs, maps or reports which provide evidence of the alleged incident.
Your safety

Please keep clear of logging operations or forestry machinery. Under NSW forestry regulations, it is an offence to:

  • approach within 100 metres of timber harvesting or hauling equipment being operated in a forestry area
  • interfere with timber harvesting or hauling equipment in a forestry area.
What happens after the EPA receives a report?

All complaints are registered and acknowledged when received. The EPA reviews the reports and decides whether there is sufficient evidence or risk of harm to the environment to investigate. Investigative work is prioritised based on:

  • the nature of the allegation
  • the information provided
  • other investigations in progress.

Complex cases may require multiple inspections, interviews and ongoing investigation. Although this may take some time, complex cases must be investigated thoroughly and evidence collected must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the incident was illegal or posed a threat to the environment.

Legislation provides up to 2 years for investigations to be finalised.

For information on the progress of your complaint, phone Environment Line on 131 555 or email [email protected]. You can also contact your nearest EPA regional office.