Plastics ban exemptions guidance

Some plastic items are currently exempt from the bans where there is no safe alternative reusable item.

Current exemptions are listed on the public register, where they will be updated. Each exemption has a guidance that explains when the exemption applies and what you need to do to comply with it.

These exemption guidances are for:

  • plastic single-use straws: an ongoing exemption that permits the supply of plastic-single use straws by certain businesses and organisations to individuals (and those acting on behalf of those individuals) who need a plastic single-use straw due to a disability or other medical need.
  • plastic single-use cotton buds and plastic single-use bowls: an on-going exemption that permits the continued supply of plastic single-use cotton buds and plastic single-use bowls for medical, scientific and forensic purposes subject to certain conditions. The EPA intends to review this exemption after two years (1 November 2024) but may still review it at any time. 
  • plastic adhesives: an ongoing exemption that permits minimal use of plastic adhesive where required and there is no adhesive free alternative, in otherwise non-plastic items.

Read the EPA Guideline on making exemptions.